View Full Version : Anyone else "keep seeing signs"?

21-04-14, 14:56
Hi everyone, for some strange reason my skin worries are back!
I took a wrong turning earlier on the way back from a friends house and ended up going a different route, on that route I drove past velindre cancer support centre and a crematorium. Oh whilst a news report on the radio talks about how the most dangerous form of skin c is on the up due to more foreign holidays and sunbed use. What the hell!!
rational me goes "well if I wasn't a hypochondriac and having anxiety over this I'd probably drive past the centre and go 'ah there's that centre we raised money for at work before' and 'oh look a crem' and 'oh that's bad, best warn my friend about his excessive sunbed use'"
But oh no! I think it's a sign. Anyone else torture themselves like this? Any tips? :( :(
Thanks in advance for any replies, would be much appreciated

21-04-14, 15:01
Yes I've thought I've seen many signs many times. Nothing has ever happened. It's like when you go through a break up all you see is couples. You are just hyper aware of them. Once I lost a medal of St. Gerard (st of pregnant woman) when I was pregnant with my son. I lost it the day before I was going to travel by airplane. I was convinced something terrible would happen but it didn't.

21-04-14, 15:05
I'd say try not to worry. Of course, I'm sure everyone will say that. However, consider this. Sun is a natural form of vitamin D. There are people who are out there for their jobs as nature workers, construction workers, etc. The list goes on. They are out there for more than 10 hours a day. Most they suffer from is a really good tan, or bad if you don't quite like the leathery look haha. Also, are you personally going in sunbeds? If not, there is nothing to worry about. It's also considered to be bad for your health, yes, and worse than the sun, however, I know a bunch of people that visit them and are still thriving.

Just try to keep rational. Yes, other people have other genetic make-up, but unless you have that cancer hereditary, or you are out in the sun excessively, or you go to a tan-bed almost every day of your life, there is little to worry about. (Jersey Shore people tan quite a lot at tanning beds, and god knows Snooki is still alive.)

Keep your mind at ease!! Have a good day. :)

21-04-14, 15:22
Thanks for your replies. I don't use sunbeds I used them a few times when I was about 17 (and I literally mean 3 or 4 times about 4 minutes a time) and regret it, never used one since. Ima teacher and not one where I have to be outdoors at all. Had a couple of nasty sunburns in my life but who hasn't I guess?
Best put it out of my head now I guess and look forward to yet another doctors appointment tomorrow lol x

21-04-14, 23:49
I do that all the time too. It's part of the anxiety I guess - drives me mad though!

22-04-14, 00:02
I guess you have to rationalize and compare it to say, a psychic. If psychics are able to foresee the future and interpret signs, then why do they have businesses to do just that? Don't you think they'd just predict the next lotto and retire?

Positive thoughts

Worried 24/7
22-04-14, 02:46
I do that too and was today! I was having brain worries and then drove by a neurological medical center. It's just like when you buy a new car and suddenly you see them everywhere. You're just more aware of what you're thinking about....

22-04-14, 06:11
I guess you have to rationalize and compare it to say, a psychic. If psychics are able to foresee the future and interpret signs, then why do they have businesses to do just that? Don't you think they'd just predict the next lotto and retire?

Positive thoughts

Logic win.

22-04-14, 12:29
I believe it is because we become hyper sensitive to the cause of our anxiety.
I drive past 3 skin C. Clinics on the way to work and used to try my best to look away. Now I just see a Medical Centre in a pretty house.
I work in a Supermarket and constantly see causes printed on items throughout the supermarket. I can guarantee I'll find something that will be my worry for the day when it unexplicably finds its way into my path!

22-04-14, 21:56
oh my god, yes, all the time. it's so weird.

Round in circles
23-04-14, 00:35
I try to tell myself that the signs are really fears. That way when I freak out and feel scared about something, I recognise the fear and think "yep, that's just fear". Sure I still freak out, but somewhere in there my brain knows that's all it really is.