View Full Version : I'm a newbie

21-04-14, 17:15
Hello everyone. I'm a 55 year old woman who was healthy as a horse until I had to have my gallbladder removed earlier in January of this year.

I have never had anxiety or panic attacks in my life. Two and a half weeks after surgery, I got out of bed and felt I couldn't breathe. I ended up in ER the next afternoon because I felt I couldn't breathe, they done tests that showed absolutely nothing wrong. I have been to a pulmonologist and everything possible has been ruled out. I had an echocardiogram done - all clear.

This 'suffocating' feeling has been going on since January 25th of this year, every day, day and night although it seems more relaxed when I lie down for the night. Last night when I went to bed I felt very relaxed and I honestly thought my breathing issue had resolved itself but I got out of bed this morning and there it was again.

I don't understand it at all because nothing is bothering me, I sit out and read on the nice days, do daily chores although the suffocating feeling bothers me, get out to stores and go for walks. I'm get up every day feeling it's going to be a great day and there is that suffocating. I don't hyperventilate and breathe in and out like everyone else who doesn't have a breathing issue.

My doctor asked if she could refer me to a cardiologist for further consultation and possible more tests although I don't think she feels I have a heart issue. On the otherhand she has never mentioned the word anxiety although her nurse assistant has. I will be seeing a cardiologist on the 29th of April. Also I got myself set up with a counsellor for May 6.

This whole thing really baffles me.

Thanks for reading.

21-04-14, 17:19
Welcome:welcome: to NMP....I hope you find lots of advice and support on here....I have.

Glad you are getting tests done to reassure you.


21-04-14, 17:27
Hey :) welcome! So sorry to hear you're having a few possible anxiety related problems. It's good you're being checked out. Like you....my panic attacks and anxiety came out of the blue after having insomnia....I find it so weird how one day I was bubbly love life me, and the next...a nervous wreck. I am getting better however, this site has been a godsend in my darkest hours xx

21-04-14, 17:37
Thank you. I'm glad to hear that you are getting better.

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Thank you Sarah. :)q