View Full Version : falling of the not-anxious waggon

21-04-14, 19:35
Hi all,

I'm falling into anxiety big time now and iI'm really struggling. I'm hoping that when I go back to work tomorrow I'll feel better - for me it tends to flare up in the school holidays - I'm a teacher. The school routine suits me better... But ugh.:weep:

I've been having an acid stomach due to stress for over a month now and two weeks ago iI started doing the whole regurgitation of food thing again :weep: I'd put this to one side in my mind as iI have had similar in the past (started 6 years ago) but its got really bad. It coincides with anxiety episodes.

Every time I eat I bring up whole lumps of food. I feel like food is stuck in my throat. I get a tightness like someone is squeezing my oesophagus but in my chest. Its horrible. I could still put it down to anxiety if I hadn't of got the dodgy blood test back on Thursday.... It was antinuclear antibodies test for autoimmunity came back high (1:320 speckled) apparently (so says good old Dr Google) it also can come back high if you have cancer....


I'm now staying away from Google. My gp is referring me to a rheumatologist but not sure when the apt will come through.

Now, what would be the "rational" thing to do in this situation?

My choices are:

A) nothing. I've had it before, it will pass
B) make the first available apt with the gp and ask to be referred to a gastroentrologist
C) sit on it for a week and see if it passes then go to the Dr and ask for a referral
D) go to the Dr asap and ask for clarification on my test and briefly mention the problem swallowing in the hope they can reassure me

I'd really appreciate knowing what I should do. My husband and I are really hoping to maybe adopt in the future and I am trying very hard to not seek reassurance unnecessarily. I know you are not Dr's but I'm wondering what you would do if you were me.

Many thanks

Space xxx

P.s. I'm a 33 yr old woman.. I have ha, Raynaud's and lots of gynae problems but otherwise healthy.

21-04-14, 20:09
Teacher! I'm a teacher and it's such a stressful job. I'm in Wales so I get another week off but I always feel worse day before work ie Sundays.
Why worry? Call your surgery tomorrow, you probs won't get an appointment for a week or two anyway but at least you know it's coming up and if you feel better you can always cancel it? I'm going to gp tomorrow booked it a few weeks Ago. Going to do my symptoms first then perhaps mention my anxiety x

22-04-14, 19:56
Thanks jonesle. I went back today and its still pretty bad.

Anyone else? Xxx

22-04-14, 22:55
I get this way too as a teacher. We are so distracted with the million things we have to do. When I'm home it's too much time to think.