View Full Version : feels like racing heart

21-04-14, 20:16
does anyone know is this a symptom of GAD - I can feel my heart, feels as though it is pounding especially after a cup of coffee, also I think it is racing so take my pulse but it is normal?

21-04-14, 20:39
Very normal. Anxiety triggers the fight or flight response (or more the other way round) and during this response your heart rate increases so your muscles and senses get more energy quickly. It would be more so by drinking coffee as caffeine gives you a quick burst in energy. There is no need to take a pulse, it will only add to your anxiety, thus making it worse.

21-04-14, 20:43
Hi I get this and It completely puzzles me, I don't get It so often since I gave up the cigs and cafeine 5 years ago, but still get It, is It because we focus on the workings of our heart, definately anxiety I would say, if I check my pulse It gets faster though.

21-04-14, 20:44
Thank you, I have noticed that my breathing becomes faster and seems more shallow also I can be breathless especially when climbing stairs. Is there any way to stop it- definitely will not have caffeine.

21-04-14, 20:53
Anxiety will definately cause shotness of breath even sometimes when just sitting so climbing stairs would probably exacerbate It more especially if like me you are not that fit,a good reason to get fit .