View Full Version : Very worried abiut brother :(

21-04-14, 21:53
My brother woke up this morning feeling ill says sore throat,
However he is covered in sweat now t-shirt soaked through wet and can't stop sweating,
His on clozapine has been for two years now and around Xmas they mentioned he needed an ECG but I don't know anything else about this,
I'm terrified he will die and my mum is really worried to :(
His not eaten much today either,
Is this a bad virus

21-04-14, 21:56
Sounds exactly like a virus/flu/fever ! Obviously if it goes on too long seek medical help but it does sound like a usual flu or virus. When I'm flu'do up I can't eat and get cold sweats and generally feel crap!

21-04-14, 21:59
His got loads of spots though! On his back etc,
His going to die I know it :'(

---------- Post added at 21:57 ---------- Previous post was at 21:57 ----------

This is meningitis
He said he had to vomit earlier aswell
Can I catch it to!?

---------- Post added at 21:59 ---------- Previous post was at 21:57 ----------

I havnt panicked like this for a long long long time

21-04-14, 22:03
Spots? Chicken pox? Or do you mean a rash that doesn't disappear under pressure? Of it's the latter I'd ring for help!

21-04-14, 22:03
He also says his legs ache!?

21-04-14, 22:05
Please do not be offended but if you think it's meningitis you need to call for immediate medical help ie 999 xxxxx

21-04-14, 22:08
My mum has just phoned someone......
Not 999 but a number she told to call by mental health people if she has any worries :(
I can't calm down though

---------- Post added at 22:08 ---------- Previous post was at 22:07 ----------

His got an appointment for his heart on Thursday because their concerned aswell :(

21-04-14, 22:10
What did they suggest?

---------- Post added at 22:10 ---------- Previous post was at 22:09 ----------

What about that nhs service is it 111? They ask about symptoms and say whether they think it requires immediate attention or not x

21-04-14, 22:11
Just said see how it goes :(

21-04-14, 22:14
Check that rash out Hun, pin him down with a glass and roll it over the rash x

21-04-14, 22:32
His asleep now but mum wont let me do it so scared

21-04-14, 22:34
Likelihood is he's got a nasty virus, do check it when he next gets up for a drink or something though :)

21-04-14, 22:46
Ok :'(
No I should settle down to sleep as up at 6am but can't

23-04-14, 22:48
Turns out he had chicken pox lol
I had it is a child can I get it again?
Going on holiday in a week so I don't want it! Lol itching like I mad is it in my head

23-04-14, 22:59
If you had it you shouldn't catch it again although it's not unheard of! I had the pox at 21, ughhhhh!

23-04-14, 23:03
Oh no :'( I can't I'm going to Greece in a week :(
Will I get shingles
I have a spot on my chin just the one :(

23-04-14, 23:06
No you won't get shingles otherwise my whole family would have gotten it when I had chicken pox. But nobody did, just me! It's highly unlikely you'll catch it again, it's normally people who *think* they had it when they were young but actually they didn't have it! You had it before you're body is immune x

23-04-14, 23:08
Are you sure?
I've been googling and it seems to have happened twice to a lot of people...
I'm so worried I can't miss my holiday! And this big spot on my chin to noooo :'(

23-04-14, 23:40
Emma calm down love its probabley just a spot ,that wont spoil your holiday dont worry and dont google xx

23-04-14, 23:43
It's not unheard of. It's unlikely. Now you'll think your that unlucky person. That's your anxiety talking. Chill out it's only chicken pox xxxx

24-04-14, 19:23
I'm only worried as I can't go on holiday of I get it
Got few spots on shoulder today am I gonna get it :'(

24-04-14, 19:33
Very unlikely that you will get it again Emma :)

---------- Post added at 19:33 ---------- Previous post was at 19:31 ----------

I hope you have a lovely holiday. Are you going with the same friend as last time?

24-04-14, 19:55
You stand a better chance of getting an an auto accident than getting Chicken Pox twice in a lifetime. Even shingles, which is a reactivation of the virus doesn't happen until MUCH later in life (50's+) and that's rare as well.

Positive thoughts

24-04-14, 21:37
Hey Emma.... U listen to me now.... NO MORE GOOGLING please....

Listen also to the sound advice u r being given here. Yes I can appreciate your fears but what you will find best is to distract yourself, go about your usual daily business, get involved in things that help pass time and stop you focusing on all this stuff, it isn't going to help you in any way at all. I guarantee that!!!! All you'll do is get yourself tired and fraught. And for what? Something outside your control. Let it go.

You have a holiday to look forward to. That's what you need to be thinking about. The rest of it? Kick it into touch it's not worth wasting your energy on.

28-04-14, 17:38
Thanks guys well it's coming round quick now same friend as last time yes ...
I have had a bad headache all day today and have a huge red mark covering my upper chest and a few small spots on tummy I'm not even scared of getting it I just don't want it before holiday haha

---------- Post added at 17:38 ---------- Previous post was at 17:36 ----------

Pic of mark

28-04-14, 18:03
Hard to tell from the picture Emma but it doesn't usually start with a red mark like that. It looks more like the zip on your top may have been rubbing on your chest?

28-04-14, 22:05
I'm praying your right :( haha

---------- Post added at 18:53 ---------- Previous post was at 18:50 ----------

Only has jumper on for 30 mins didn't have it on whilst working

---------- Post added at 22:05 ---------- Previous post was at 18:53 ----------

The red area feels warm to. ;(

28-04-14, 22:19
Stop poking the red area you'll make it redder and hotter! I can't see any pox in that pic either, only a frackle and what looks like a pimple from here ! Xxx

10-05-14, 21:09
I ended up with a great holiday in the end and no sign of chicken pox haha

10-05-14, 21:16
I knew you would :D I am pleased you enjoyed it...now to start planning the next one :)

10-05-14, 21:22
Yes it was awesome didn't think I'd enjoy it but I did.
Didn't think nothing could top nyc but both where amazing in different ways and I love to fly aswell.
Can't wait to book something else :)

---------- Post added at 21:22 ---------- Previous post was at 21:21 ----------


10-05-14, 21:49
That looks lovely Emma :)

10-05-14, 21:58
It was :)
Such a lovely island

---------- Post added at 21:58 ---------- Previous post was at 21:57 ----------

That is Albania we where looking at from the island :)
Was great seeing mainland Greece and Albania and flying over Italy and the alps on the way.

10-05-14, 22:03
I am going to Malta in a few weeks and starting to get anxious even though I will fine once I am there :)

10-05-14, 22:05
Oh your have a great time :)
Enjoy it.
Does flying worry you?
I love it :)

10-05-14, 22:06
Yes flying does worry me.

10-05-14, 22:10
I am going to Malta in a few weeks and starting to get anxious even though I will fine once I am there :)

I have never been to Malta before, we have always wanted to go, now my mum has retired from work (she retired at Christmas) we don't have restrictions on what days we can go on, she worked in a school serving the food/cash tills for the students.

Hope you enjoy Malta.

10-05-14, 22:11
We went a few years ago and really enjoyed it so thought we would go again.

10-05-14, 22:14
My nan and dad have been- said it was lovely.
Have a good trip Annie and don't worry the flying will be fine it is one of the safest forms of transport their is.. :)

10-05-14, 22:18
I know, My son did Aero space engineering at Uni and keeps telling me how safe it is :)

10-05-14, 22:23
When I flew to corfu I worked the day before woke at 6am and we flew 6am next morning . Coach to gatwick was at 2:40am. So was awake 24 hours and I fell asleep just after take off haha...
You will be fine:)

10-05-14, 22:27