View Full Version : Would like help! Anxiety/Panic disorder/Depression

22-04-14, 04:25
Hey guys,
I'm new to this site and I have joined today. I'm 17 years old, I have had anxiety and depression since the age of 9. I developed a hand tremor at 9 that has never gone away and is there all the time. My mum didn't know the cause for this but always noticed that I was a very anxious girl. At the age of 13, I went to the hospital for some tests, they all came back normal and healthy. The years after this I managed my anxiety as well as I could, still getting the odd attacks and struggling to make friends. Around 6 months ago my anxiety started to suddenly get worse, a lot of stress involving my social group made my hair fall out and I developed panic disorder. I let the panic attacks happen for months, not doing anything about it and too scared to tell anyone. I wouldn't be able to sleep and my attendance at college went down hill. I would be having at least one panic attack a day out of nowhere and heart pulptations throughout the day. Anyway, 3 weeks ago I decided to tell my mum because my heart was getting out of control and I was extremely scared. My mum took me to the doctors who already knew I had severe anxiety and depression. The doctor diagnosed me with panic disorder and I was put on 20mg of fluoxtine a day. Since I have been put on fluoxtine, I have not had many panic attacks. Maybe 3 at the most. But personally, I feel like my anxiety, depression and panic disorder is stopping me doing things that I love to do. I have been in a long term relationship for 13 months now and my boyfriend does his best to help me through everything. We like to go to raves as a couple, not take any drugs and just listen to the music. I tried to go to one yesterday which ended up in me having a panic attack, a migraine and me having to go home. It devestated me because I don't want to have to stop the things I love to do. A symptom I have had in the last few weeks which has scared me the most is the feeling of swallowing my tongue and a lump in my throat. I have serious insomnia and struggle to sleep. I'd just like some advice on what to do? I feel like it's all ruining my life and my mood swings are damaging the people around me. I'm up all night worrying about past things that shouldn't bother me anymore. Finally, with the fluoxtine I get serious migraines that last all day and a sickness feeling like I'm going to vomit. Will this pass or not? Sorry for the big jumble up just wanted to write everything down! Hope someone can reply and advise me because it's driving me up the walls considering I have college in 3 and a half hours I feel like I'm going insane.

Thank you :)

22-04-14, 07:02
hi katie
welcome to nmp
like you i have anxiety, panic, and depression and i am too on 20mg fluoxetine.
how long have you been taking them?
they take quite a while to get fully into the system so you feel the full benefit of them
but they are worth it
just wanted to let you know you are not alone with this
hope you find this forum as invaluable as i do
take care hun x

22-04-14, 09:38
Hey, I'm a fellow panic attack, and generalised anxiety sufferer. Like Leenalou has asked..how long have you been on fluoxetine? I am on a different type of antidepressant called mirtazapine which is taken at night and helps me to sleep ever so slightly. I cannot stand the start up effects of SSRI's due to the insomnia. (Insomnia was the trigger for my first ever anxiety episode), I haven't had 1 panic attack since starting mirtazapine although it has been very up and down with my generalised anxiety... Hope you find this forum helpful. It's been a great help to me in my darkest hours xx

22-04-14, 10:58
Hey thanks for the replies, I've been taking them for about 2 weeks now. The migraines and sickness feeling is getting worse though. I'm determined to keep up with it though. I have an appointment with my doctor in 2 weeks. The heart symptoms are unbearable for me at the moment though

22-04-14, 11:26
Its quite normal and common to be feeling a bit worse 2weeks in. Your symptoms should calm down over the next week or so. If they are totally unbearable though then book an emergency appointment as it may offer you more reassurance. The saying often is 'It gets worse before better'...seems cruel but true xx

22-04-14, 12:18
HI KATIE97, I see you have been taking fluoxetine for just 2 weeks they can take up to 12 weeks to really work through your system , that doesn't mean it will take all that time for you to start feeling better , the trouble with fluoxetine is that it has many side effects which need time to settle down , anxiety and panic attacks are part of this , fluoxetine is one of the slowest of this sort of medication to work but when it does its one of the best , Talking to people on this site will help because we have been through what you are going through now , so we can tell you about side effects and things and know what we are talking about , The people on here really care about you and are always ready with an answer , Take one day at a time and if you have a bad day just think tomorrow is one day nearer to getting better , I know its easy to say and hard to do but stick in there . xx