View Full Version : Do you hide your problems to well?

22-04-14, 08:17
I've had anxiety in a few flavours for years, from social anxiety to general anxiety and have all the rest of the rubbish that goes along with it such as depression, IBS, heart issues etc.

To the people who know me I come across as a happy individual without a care in the world, to those who don't know me I guess I come across as shy but nothing out of the ordinary.

The problem is when I try to tell my nearest and dearest about my issues it is laughed of and not taken seriously as it just doesn't fit with the act I put on. I am going to the doctors tomorrow because of a variety of issues which are all linked to stress such as IBS, neck pain, palpitations I told my wife about this yesterday and she laughed it off, and no doubt tomorrow my doctor will do damn all aswell, in fact my doctor has never done anything about my anxiety as when I present myself in her office I come across as chatty/jokey etc like nothing is wrong with me, it is never taken seriously.

How do you get around this problem or do you have this problem?

22-04-14, 08:27
Hey, Just wanted to let you know- that I'm quite similar. I can be having the worst time in the world...crying at home and the rest yet as soon as I get to the doctor, I make light of the situation..because I'm so used to just 'being okay' infront of others. I also find that I like to help others but never really help myself.

I was pretty much the same as you with regards to family, hubby etc but last October I couldn't cope at all and did have a breakdown...and although my husband still didn't understand the severity of it at the time...he soon did! It took me to cry all day everyday before anyone took me seriously.. I think you have to learn to just let it all out to the people around you, and to the doctors. If you want to cry, just do it... It's too easy to make light of a situation xx