View Full Version : loss of appetite, nasuea, some abdominal pain.

22-04-14, 14:06
Hey guys

Recently for about 3 months now Ive been feel sick a lot with no appetite at all, and at night I get abdominal pain. I'm 18 with good health and a not bad diet, but ever since this started happening Ive began to not eat as much and starting to lose weight. Kinda scared that it could be stomach cancer or an ulcer. Someone help!??!?

22-04-14, 14:08
Anxiety can cause nausea and lack of appetite but still best to get it checked out by your doctor.

22-04-14, 14:11
But should it be ongoing for 3 months?

22-04-14, 15:12
If it is anxiety related it can last a very long time. None of us are doctors here though so it is always best to get a medical opinion, Go to see your doctor and tell him how you are feeling.