View Full Version : Breathing issues

22-04-14, 15:21
I wondered if anyone had just a breathing issue only as a symptom of anxiety. I have nothing else other than this suffocation feeling day and night which has been non stop for 12 weeks. My husband still believes it's a physical problem and not an anxiety situation. Lots of testing has come back showing nothing wrong. I don't appear to be hyperventilating and I breathe in and out just like anyone else who has no breathing issues. I'm not puffing or panting upon exertion either.

Sometimes when I do breathe in I get this sensation of really cold air coming in through the nostrils when I'm sitting in a 75 degree house. This doesn't happen often though. Other times I feel soreness in the throat so I will chew gum to get rid of that feeling.

I'm so tired of the constant feeling of suffocating.

22-04-14, 17:19
It's very common.

It actually eases off when you stop focusing on it.

22-04-14, 19:25
I would totally agree, the more you focus on It the worse It gets, you obviously don't feel breathless as such, do you have hay fever

24-04-14, 01:01
Anyone ever get to the point where you "can't" stop focusing on it? I can't stop controlling my breathing during times of high anxiety. Is this normal?

24-04-14, 01:13
have the same problems!!! Sometimes it also feels as if im over breathing! I also find it hard to take a deep breath at times!!

24-04-14, 01:53
have the same problems!!! Sometimes it also feels as if im over breathing! I also find it hard to take a deep breath at times!!

Yeah, me too. It's my main anxiety symptom.

Worried 24/7
24-04-14, 02:16
Yeah, it feels like someone is sitting on your chest. That's my best friends main symptom also

29-04-14, 02:48
I also suffer this, it's just a common anxiety symptom. If all tests are clear you really have nothing to worry about, as I've felt this for almost one and a half years, it helps to distract yourself and try not thinking about it so much. I know this because mine started when I was at a very anxious period, went away when I recovered then returned when I have become anxious again. You could also try breathing techniques although personally they make me feel worse. All the best

30-04-14, 19:46
Yep I do the same and is also my main symptom but as others have said it can be there for ages during anxiety then completely go as I feel better, even if I try to worry about it or get focused on it I can't.

My doctor said it's a common symptom.

01-05-14, 16:07
Sorry, I forgot to come back to address this. I honestly do my best to not focus on the breathing but it's so constant and there if you know what I mean. It's a constant suffocation feeling 24/7. There is no relief at all and it will be 14 weeks this Saturday since I gained it.

I have been outside on the warm sunny days reading, getting housework done, going to stores, have been out a few times to restaurants for breakfast or dinner and last weekend was out looking at new homes as part of our yearly Parade of Homes. The suffocation feeling during those times was horrible. There is no coming and going where the suffocation feeling is concerned. As well at times I get chest tightening and upper abdomen tightening. You can see I do get distracted and my mind should be off the breathing but it's there and I'm aware of it.

I was at the cardiologist's two days ago and she said everything was looking fine as far as heart and arteries go. Echocardiogram showed everything clear. She has me going through one more test - a stress MRI. For the heck of it I said to her, "Just throwing this out at you but do you think this could be anxiety" and she said yes but she wanted to rule out any physical problems first.

Last night was horrendous for sleeping. My doctor has given me Ativan and Xanax for now and while I wish I could take the Ativan every night for sleeping, I'm afraid of getting addicted to it.

I'm seeing a therapist on Tuesday. Here's hoping I can get this turned around.

Thanks for reading.

01-05-14, 18:52
Hi again,

It's a bit of a vicious circle, as you get focused on breathing and worked up about it you become more aware of it, muscles become more tense and tight which in turn makes you feel worst.
I find swimming and nice smelling incense regular over a couple of weeks helps a lot.