View Full Version : newby meds & advice

22-04-14, 15:34
Hi everyone, I'm new to this site but I've had anxiety for about 2 years now, it's pretty bad at the minute and it's starting to effect my relationship. I don't ha e any triggers I know if.. but i'll explain my situation very quickly. I always feel anxious, about everything from what I watch on TV to if I have leave the house, I also have fears about what touches my skin, what I eat, what I drink etc. Social phobia is massive too! But to save my relationship and to be happy again my doctor has urged me to start my meds, it's only 10mg citolapram to start with but I am so scared! I'm panicking just talking about them, I've read so much about them :( also.. I have a driving test next week! Please wish me luck! Any tips to stay calm and get through it also would you recommend taking them now or waiting until after my test if they make you worse etc? Thanks for reading this and I hope I haven't bored ya too much! It's just nice to know there's people who understand how I feel!

22-04-14, 16:09
I would definitely recommended not starting the ssri until after your test but maybe ask your doctor for a Betabloker to help you until then. Best of luck!

22-04-14, 19:16
I've been prescribed propanolol before but they made me a lot worse! Think i'll just try and front it out until after my test then bite the bullet, be brave and start the meds. Thank you :)