View Full Version : low body temp - feel warm and normal

22-04-14, 18:05
Okay for some reason I bought a new thermometer yesterday. I cannot get an under tongue reading of above 35.8 despite the fact I feel fine and am actually quite warm to touch etc.

I know this is below normal and I'm starting to panic. What could cause this? :(

22-04-14, 19:42
All depends on age/time of day/monthly cycle so after all that 35.8 is not low low so as long as you don't feel cold I would check It later, could be a faulty thermometer of course,

22-04-14, 20:13
All depends on age/time of day/monthly cycle so after all that 35.8 is not low low so as long as you don't feel cold I would check It later, could be a faulty thermometer of course,

Yep.... Unless you're running a high fever, body temp is really inconsequential.

Positive thoughts

22-04-14, 22:18
I feel nice and warm so I really can't understand it. My friend used it last night and got 35.2 so I don't feel too bad. Underarm temp is in the 36s and that's meant to be 1 degree cooler than normal. Very confusing, hate worrying!

22-04-14, 22:21
Try not to worry - remember the 'ideal' body temp is only an average, so as many people are under it as are over it. Take your temp at the same time of day for a week or so, to get 'your normal' using that particular thermometer, and then you;ll know if you get a fever or not.