View Full Version : Dizziness/Equilibrium Issues????

22-04-14, 19:36
Anyone else suffer with dizziness/lightheadedness/dis-equilibrium on an almost daily basis? Sometimes I simply feel lightheaded/woozy, and sometimes it feels as though the floor is moving under my feet when I'm walking or standing still.....it's absolutely terrifying!!

23-04-14, 15:20
I feel dizzy and light headed on most days - don't know why. It is very scary and I can't believe it is all due to anxiety.

23-04-14, 15:44
I suffered everyday for 3months it was awful the minute I would wake till the minute I went sleep,and it is all due to anxiety ,I dont get dizzyness as bad now because I have learnt to accept its a symptom of anxiety xx

28-04-14, 14:45
Hi Anxious Kitten - O yes! Experienced it pretty much every day for 2 years now!
Mine is all down to anxiety and they think neck issues from being anxious and tense they have also put links to Migraines caused by anxiety.
I feel like im in a lift or im drunk or that I have marshmallow feet and then I get real vertigo spins, adrenaline surges which make me feel like im about to die or pass out due to the dizziness - its terrifying but getting under control now since ive started having therapy.
Hope you feel better soon :)

28-04-14, 15:25
you have just described me to a t. I dont know how to explain it in words to my husband but this is exactly how i feel x

28-04-14, 16:02
I had a tough time to explaining it to people...
Just to let you know ive had a whole host of testing including ecgs and mris and they have all been normal :)

Have you been to the doctors about yours?

I also use to have issues with numbness in my face and a tingling face but these have stopped now

28-04-14, 16:29
ive just phoned them to book an appointment the doc i want to see is fully booked till a week tomorrow but hes the one that has dealt with my anxiety so will wait till then will keep u posted x

28-04-14, 16:47
So like me it's awful but I think it is anxiety , if you find away to feel better let me know please I really struggle with this and sometines I feel like I've got low blood sugar even though I've eaten had glucose test all fine ....madness:( xxxhugs to you all