View Full Version : Factual Phobia

22-04-14, 22:11
I fear factually multiple things.

I dislike spiders, have done so since I was a child. I do not factually find fondness of insects on a major scale, however spiders of the small variety such as the Money Spider do not factually bother myself.

I dislike heights, the factual fear of falling to my death is the fact behind such.

However there is a factual fear I possess which comes and goes frequently.

My fear is losing my feelings and such facts for my best friend.

Allow me to factually elaborate:

I have been made aware that those who factually suffer Autism, Aspergers, Bipolar, BPD and others factually I have been diagnosed or suspected for, including the fact most recent of OCD, have moments of emotions and feelings which alter or vanish.

I have experienced several of these factual 'Blank' moments however I am aware of the facts:

I love my best friend. Nothing shall alter this fact and I shall be factually dead inside before I allow it.

However I simply state the facts to state them.

Phobias I have:

Slight Arachnophobia

Slight Altophobia

Bouts of Thantophobia

However I have yet to find the fear or phobia I factually state. I simply will not allow myself to lose someone of which I cannot exist without, or the bond of which I prize above all factual words known in any mortal tongue. I wish her utter perfection as she is complete perfection and I seek only to show her love and for her to be treated with the perfection she deserves and more so.

Best of factual wishes to all DPGs and ladies and others of my own gender whom read this and such.

Catherine S
22-04-14, 23:00
Greyback, seperation anxiety is about the only thing to describe how you feel about your best friend, but even doesn't really do justice to your feelings for her. I'm sure she feels the same about your friendship.

22-04-14, 23:05
Indeed and such Miss. She has stated, despite all facts which have occurred, no matter what has come to pass, she is not factually going anywhere.

I do not doubt her in any form, fact or time. I simply doubt myself.

I factually do not alter, I am a open factual book with blank pages of stone and I do not shift.

I fear losing her, yet do not doubt her. I fear my own lack of factual consistency when it comes to how I factually am. However, I state all this in a fact of calm politeness and indifference.

How are you factually this day and such facts Miss?

Catherine S
22-04-14, 23:09
Feeling a bit lonely today but tomorrow is another day. Thanks for asking.

22-04-14, 23:11
No thanks factually required and such Miss.

Indeed and such, I factually was aware of such feelings in part. However if you factually seek conversation Miss, and I can be of factual assistance, I shall as per the usual be glad to oblige and such.

Catherine S
22-04-14, 23:16
That's really kind Greyback, you have a Wolf's true heart. I find it difficult to talk about my real problems, only share the anxiety those problems brought. But that's ok...I Still Believe :)

22-04-14, 23:31
Indeed and such Miss. I am aware of the facts of which you bury within yourself, I shall not factually force you to divulge such facts.

That is not factually how I work. I simply am aware of facts and secrets a majority of the time which the better gender attempts to conceal within themselves.

If that wolf's heart resides still factually within myself Miss, it is factually black aside from the light within its centre, where my best friend resides eternally and factually.

Catherine S
22-04-14, 23:52
The better gender...love it :D

22-04-14, 23:59
I simply state the facts Miss.

With no factual offence intended, I am sexist against my own gender. My best friend is female and beyond factual description in words, aside from utterly beautiful and complete perfection, and even those do not factually come within close distance.

All my factual friends are female, I do not have male friends. I have one whom is more factually family, however I do not count males as friends. Friends are those with whom there is factual emotional attachment or attraction on occasions, however I am aware of boundaries and respect these facts.

My best friend however is a factual exception, one of a select few. With herself there is no fact of 'genetic or testosterone lust' I do not see her such a way. My love for her is beyond such facts.

Catherine S
23-04-14, 00:11
You are lucky to have each other then. Wishing you peace Greyback.

23-04-14, 01:12
I am factually unworthy and such Miss.

Trust me on this fact. I get factually worked up and such facts indirectly because of herself, however she is not at fault and it is not herself.

Granted without her, I would not factually do such, as she is the object of them and such facts. However I do not wish to lose her just because of the facts of my condition.

I do factually hope I do not imply or sound as if I am factually blaming herself, or stating bad against her.

She is missed.. and I do not factually deserve herself. I am beyond factually blessed to know her, and yet I factually act by far, worse than any member of my gender aside from those who deserve factually death and such.