View Full Version : Hello

23-04-14, 00:53
Hello, just read the private message and didnt know to post a introduction message so sorry if anyone reads my earlier post first. Basically I've been having lack of appetite and insommnia for about 2 weeks now, it started with the lack of appetite and moved on to insommnia and some slight brain fog in a week. I can eat and keep down food and water but I don't really want to all that often, especially with meat. I also can only sleep about 4 hours a night, I'm trying some sleeping pills tonight to fix that so hopefully that works out. Went to two urgent care facilities and one urologist and had my urine tested, came out perfectly normal. Went to another to have my blood tested, that mostly worked out except for a very slightly high ALT and Albumin level which the doctor mentioned was nonspecific so she wanted to test me again in a week and a half. I guess I'm just worried if I wait that long it might get worse, but the doctor wouldn't make me wait a week and a half if she figured it was anything serious. I just want to be able to enjoy food and sleep again, it's worrying me more and more that I don't know what this is.

I will mention also that I'm currently looking for a new job and not having much success so the doctor thought my symptoms could be stress related.

23-04-14, 09:38
Hey, Insomnia was the cause of my mini breakdown last October. I had a sinus infection and it stopped me from sleeping- for some reason this reaaally distressed me and the more I tried to sleep, the more I didn't. I started to get mega anxiety in the evening. I finally sorted my sleep out on my own, but I become anxious in the day instead. It was basically a trigger for some long overdue stress. I'm now on mirtazapine, which is a sedative antidepressant. Certainly helps with the sleep, and I think I'm just starting to turn a corner with the anxiety. Hope you find this forum as helpful as I have xx