View Full Version : Falling back into old habits

23-04-14, 01:06
Hi guys,

My name is Emma, I'm 23 years old and I'm currently in the Netherlands.I'm here to introduce myself I guess. My problems with health anxiety started in October of 2013. I wrote up one night completely convinced something was wrong with my heart and since then that feeling never really left. I was leaving for a year in America in the beginning of December and I was terrified of the chance that I couldn't go at all, or that i had to come back early because I couldn't deal with the anxiety or that something might actually happen while I was abroad.

Before I left my biggest issue was that I couldn't sleep. Because the first anxiety attack happened while I was asleep, I was extremely scared that it would happen again and it kept me from being able to fall asleep. Luckily I did go to the US and my problems with sleep completely disappeared. I guess I was simply too tired with the busy schedule I had there. I still had anxious feelings during the day but mostly I was able to ignore them. I actually had a really good time and made some really amazing friends.

Until 2 weeks ago when I dislocated my shoulder for the third time and was sent home because I wasn't able to do the job I was there to do and because I need surgery to keep it from dislocating again. I absolutely hate hate hate that I had to leave my life in the US behind after almost 4 months when I was so happy there.

Now tonight is the first night back in my own bed and I can't sleep. I'm pretty sure it's due to missing my friends and the enormous jetlag but I'm petrified that I go back to being scared of going to bed again. Like, I associate my room with feelings of anxiety and I'm so scared it'll happen again.

I've got a doctor's appointment on Thursday in regards of my shoulder and I guess I'll have to ask for help this time.

Does anyone else have experiences like this?

23-04-14, 01:17
Factually welcome and such facts Miss.

I am aware of your experience. I went through a factual moment where I was unable to enter my factual room and such facts. I slept upon a sofa downstairs.

I have factually for a long expanse of time stated:

My room is both my factual prison and my domain.

My best friend is the sole person whom has never altered towards me despite all facts. My intrusive factual thoughts twist all towards herself, as she is indirectly the centre of my intrusive thoughts however she is by no fact at fault.

She is more precious to myself than factual words and yet I am undeserving of herself.

You shall factually succeed Miss, and triumph in the factual face of such emotions you experience. If I can be factually of use in listening and conversation, I am as per the usual, glad to factually oblige and be of assistance.