View Full Version : Pounding in head constantly day after day ???

05-12-06, 03:25
I just cant stop thinking about this worriesome problem..Its a constant pounding in my ears sounds like it comes from the top of my head and from behind my neck and in my throat sometimes..Try as I may to ignore it ..its always present.i woke today hearing and trying to ignore it ,and for the most part I could..I get up and its worse and then the more I try not to concentrate on it the worse it gets..The doctors say its benign and something I will just have to live with but one says its from stress.I try to relax and do other things but its really been with me since last night.I woke twice to hearing it and during the day it seems to have shifted to the top of my head and not behind my neck as usual.Maybe its sinus that is amplifying it..But im not feeling well.I have a weird sensation in the top of my head and almost a feeling of the pounding coninceiding with my chest..not really sure of this but maybe.i was up and about this afternoon and for no reason got a sudden feeling of super tiredness and feeling compelled to go to sleep.I laid down in bed and use the computer for awhile anything to distract me and the pounding in the top of my head seemed bad or worse..i got really sick to my stomach and although my pulse was almost as perfect as it can be I heard what sounded like something odd with my heartbeat..because i can hear the beat..Im really tired and I have been unusally cold tonight but the wife says she is sweating.I started having an unusual feeling of just general malaise..I don't feel well but its too early to sleep but I don't feel too bad to use the computer and I can't help but worry that this pulsating is a artery ready to blow or anuyrism that they didn't know existed..I get scared when i hear my pulse in my ears and then feel nauseated..it worries me that its something heart related but with a almost perfect pulse what are the odds?Am i just expectiing something to be wrong and waiting for it..anayliizing every little feeling or is there something bad wrong with me and im feeling the symptoms?I don't know what is what anymore..If the stupid pulsation would go away then i wouldn't worry about it too much..but I have a lot of problems with neck pain ..and the top of my head feeling weird..and then the pulsating..could this all be from tumor?

05-12-06, 17:52
I am sure it's not at tumor. If it were, the symptoms would be there all the time, only getting worse. That is not the case with your symptoms.
When I am really tired, I feel like I have a flu coming on. I get icy cold, my heart races and skips, I feel and hear my pulse in my whole body, my muscles hurt.
It would be no wonder with all your worries if you were just REALLY exhausted and needed to sleep. Also, it sounds like you haven't slept well for a while now.
I think the anxiety is causing you to hear and feel your pulse more than you normally would. You may have to live with the sound of it, but I am sure you can learn not to pay attention to it.
I don't believe you can set your mind to ignore it. That way you are fighting it, not accepting it.
What you need to do is tell yourself that it's all right that your heart is beating loudly. I know you won't believe it at first, but I also think that if you tell yourself often enough, eventually you will start to believe it.

My best bet would be for you to get some sleep and see if that doesn't make you feel better.
Take care.

"You can't yell loud enough to make me shut up."