View Full Version : I'v been having dream scenes replys? What is this?

23-04-14, 01:22
Hi all, hope your well, :)

Basically, on Youtube, what I do is, if I find something funny on a certain video, I replay it over and over, maybe 2 -3 times or if its really funny I replay that scene so much until its not funny anymore,

for 2 times now, when I'm dreaming of anything while in bed, I remember a certain dream scene being replayed or re winded as it happen,

for example, the dream scene I just had, will be repeated again just after the last one finished!

I don't know if that makes any sense, but I would like a chat on here if you don't mind! Just need help figuring this out!
Hope you can help :)

23-04-14, 01:24
I'm not sure what you mean. I feel the compulsion to rewind things sometimes if I can't hear like one word in the show.

Catherine S
23-04-14, 01:29
I think a lot of people probably do the YouTube thing...I'm always doing that if its music or a clip that I really like. The repeated dream scene I'm not so familiar with but wouldn't mind it happening in some dreams I've had so a bit envious with that one! Although I can see that it can be distressing if you have OCD.