View Full Version : Need reassurance!!Two months sick, countless tests and still anxious.

23-04-14, 02:05
I'm new to this site, but I have been sick for the last two months. It all started just days after I had a horrible and stressful weekend. And most likely stemmed from years of extreme stress. Finally it caught up to me physically. It all began with a sore throat, then migraines tested for that nothing wrong. Then back pain and numb legs, then burning sensations on my body pins and needles pricking crawling feeling you name it. Frequent urination, diarreah constipation nausea, weight loss. Rashing, dialated pupils, blood shot eyes feeling like I have the flu. Chest pain shortness of breath, feeling like I was suffocating. I've had all these blood tests done and they've nailed it down to extreme stress. I just don't seem to be getting better and any new symptoms I freak out and think I'm dying. It's been on and off every week now since February. Has this happened to anyone else. I need some reassurance. I've had so many opinions and doctors saying it's just stress but my mind tells me other wise! Help!

23-04-14, 03:07
Stress can literally make you feel like you're dying. I experienced nearly everything when I was having acute anxiety (apart from the rashes).

Stress and anxiety affect the body in copious ways I've learned. When you're stressed, you get run down, your immune system goes haywire and you're more prone to getting ill, hence the sore throats. Migraines can occur as a result of stress. Stress makes everything ache and throb and burn and itch and goodness knows what else.

Palpitations and chest pains are incredibly common with stress; however, I don't like to scare you but have you considered an ECG purely to put your mind at rest about the pain?

Your mind is telling you otherwise because that's what extreme anxiety likes to do. It likes to give you the ''what if's'', the why's and the wherefores all in one go. You has a stressful weekend and to me it seems like you're feeling incredibly run down.

If you get extremely bad chest pain though I'd probably go to A&E. It doesn't matter what's causing it, A&E will ALWAYS look into chest pain no matter what. But to me it seems like stress is sending your body into overdrive.

I hope you feel better soon :) Trust me, there is nothing worse. xx