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View Full Version : still struggling with intrusie thoughts

23-04-14, 14:55
hi for over a week now I cant stop this intrusive thought it just keeps coming all the time and its making me so worried. the thought I keep geting is every time I think ill do something like make a cup of tea or something and what ill ill do after stait away this thought comes in my head it kill myself and I don't know why it keeps happening it frieghtens me to death as i don't want to do anything like that at all.I keep telling myself that they are only thoughts and they are not real and cant make you act on them but that doesn't seem to work and I cant seem to reassure myself that they are just thoughts and cannot make me act on them. so can any one at all give me any advice or reassurance, to help me .

23-04-14, 15:46
I am sorry to hear of your factual suffering with intrusive thoughts. I am aware of how debilitating they can factually be and I assure you of the fact:

It factually occurs to the general population.

I post this reply also within your factual post itself. If you require conversation or someone to listen and such facts, I am as per the usual, glad to oblige and be of factual assistance.

While self factual assurance is a factual method, with myself I require outside statements of the facts. Without my best friend I would factually suffer in general.

Granted my anxiety due to my questions awakes around herself however she is not factually at fault. The facts are indirectly herself yet not her fault at all and such facts in any way.

I would simply state the facts if I might be so permitted:

Converse with someone factually close whom has your trust. Explain the facts of your thoughts as much or factually little you seek and as they know yourself, they will state how factually ludicrous such thoughts are.

However I would also state this fact:

I have no factual doubt you will never act upon stated thoughts. They are simply what you factually fear you shall do when there is no fact or chance of such.

Best of wishes and such facts to yourself Miss.

23-04-14, 16:19
Hey Tricia,

So sorry to hear your having problems with intrusive thoughts at the moment. Have you been officially diagnosed with anxiety and/or depression? Or is this the first time you've ever had this?

I suffered from intrusive thoughts about my life not being worth it when I was in the height of my anxiety episode. I am now being medicated for my anxiety and I very rarely get a negative thought. It's very good that you have acknowledged that it's just a thought and not real, and it can't make you act on them- I know that doesn't make it particularly easier to cope with when having them, but your doing the right thing by letting them come, and rationalising them xx

23-04-14, 16:24
When I first started having panic attacks and was new to the whole severe anxiety thing, I had a bad case of intrusive thoughts. In fact, I'm sure that at the time I made a few posts on here about it. While they're not nice, they will eventually subside. It's simply a consequence or side-effect of a heightened state of anxiety, but the reassuring thing is that you don't want to do it. You reject the thoughts, know they are unwanted, know you don't want to harm yourself, etc. Such thoughts are normal and those of sounder mind still think them, too, but because the anxiety isn't present or is reduced, they're forgotten about. For example, if you're on a higher floor in a building and look down, you might briefly think of falling or jumping. At the time it might make you a little dizzy and you'll probably laugh it off and not give it a second thought. With the anxiety, however, everything is heightened. It's one of the many annoying little elements of anxiety. It will get better though.

23-04-14, 19:58
thk you everyone for ur replys and reassurance i I feel abit better now knowing they cant make u act on them, I find it very difficult to let the thoughts just be there and let them go and not question them as i don't really know how to do that for some reason .

24-04-14, 05:46
Hi Tricia,

I've had this a few times myself but my intrusive violent thoughts were more about others. What I found has really helped me with my OCD (I have Magical Thinking, some touching rituals, intrusive thoughts, etc) is Mindfulness meditation. My CBT therapist got me started on it and over time it has helped me to say STOP to the rituals and most times I will move past them. It has certainly made me no longer care about the violent intrusive thoughts, but they do still come on occasion and I just feel myself saying "who cares, it's just a passing though". I found reasoning that intrusive thoughts are just 'options' that I am being presented with helped as well because it's like how we can't control our dreams which can be weird or frightening yet we easily forget them.