View Full Version : 111

23-04-14, 15:33
I was having severe reflux lastnight , I had taken all my acid meds for the day and they hadn't worked I decided to ring 111 to c if I could take anymore meds for it I skipped the first process cause as soon as u mention chest etc automatic response is an ambulance I was put through to a nurse and said could I request a call back from a dr she said yes expect it in the next hour about 35mins later by now this is 1:30am there is a big knock at the door I answer it and there is a first responder asking who is having a heart attack I said not me but I feel like iam now I went into a blind panic somehow wires had been crossed and I had become a serious call but I stated to the paramedic its been 35 mins since I hung up phone call then another knock at the door and there was an ambulance crew as I live in north Northumberland and close to Scottish border it was a Scottish crew who came as there were no ambulances near my address , they only reason im posting this is to be sure to say if u don't need a ambulance cos it certainly made me panic more when they turned up , but as they were there they checked me out anyway which was really nice xxx

23-04-14, 16:19
Wow this is most interesting. I called 111 last year. Only time I've ever felt bad enough to need to. I presented to them all classic signs of heart attack and was never even considered for an ambulance, told to go to see my dr the following day....

23-04-14, 16:22
im sorry but that did make me laugh! gotta love 111

23-04-14, 16:38
I phoned and told them I was having a panic attack and just needed someone to talk to me to calm me down but because the questions they ask are "Do you feel breathless, Do you have any chest pains?" They sent an ambulance even though I insisted I didn't need one.

23-04-14, 16:49
That is quite a funny story .......

23-04-14, 17:02
Same with me Annie but an ambulance was never mentioned and I phoned twice and said my heart was skipping beats and I felt like I was going to pass out. I didn't want an ambulance but just shows how different an experience each person can have eh