View Full Version : Lymph Nodes in 'Hollow' of the Neck

23-04-14, 15:53
Hello all, hope you are all as well as can be.

Late last week I got bitten by a insect and a red spot popped up on my neck, I was fiddling around scratching it etc and I suddenly noticed a circular lump in the hollow of my neck (above clavicle)

Its not protruding and only appears if I look for it but it is there.

I've seen various sources saying you should (with a deal of poking) be able to feel lymph nodes in that area and other sources suggesting you shouldn't.

I haven't been to the GP yet as aside a wee dry throat and my usual acid I'm feeling well and with good appetite.

I am curious as to whether anyone else can feel or notices their lymph nodes in this part of the body.

many thanks all

23-04-14, 16:25
I had one in that same area, I convinced myself it was cancer, then I looked and felt around and felt more. I saw my GP and he didn't seem the least bit concerned. I think when we go looking, we will always find something!

23-04-14, 16:54
I have literally just got back from the GP for the same reason, ive got lymph node that to me feels big but the doctor said everything is fine. Cancer grows very fast, you wouldn't have to "dig" for them instead you would feel them using the flat of your hand. And it would be huge and visible. Hope this helps xx

23-04-14, 20:23
Thanks to both of you for replies.

My assumption is they've been there the whole time and it was only since I picked up a bite and felt around that I've noticed them. The acid has caused a bit of a globus sensation which isn't helping my mindset either!