View Full Version : Medical mystery - trying to be positive!

23-04-14, 20:23
So I had my ultrasound today on my puffy face. I only got the letter this morning and the appointment was this afternoon, very lucky it was my day off work as I wouldn't have been at home otherwise to check the post.
Anyway, the ultrasound showed nothing. I asked the technician whether it could be cancer, he said if it was they would expect to see some signs of it, if not a mass then at least some enlarged lymph nodes but there was nothing to see. He suggested that I am likely to be referred to the multidisciplinary team as the asymmetry in my face can't be explained. I am kind of worried about that, but I guess it's good that he seemed positive it wasn't cancer. I am determined not to google as I know I will find some obscure and horrible thing it could be. He said they might do an MRI to look at the soft tissue but he didn't know whether it would show anything more than the ultrasound did. I am trying to see this as a positive appointment, although I would have rather been discharged and told it was nothing.

23-04-14, 20:34
Aww bless! Hope this gets resolved for you. Keep staying positive. X

23-04-14, 21:02

23-04-14, 21:27
Well, it's not what you feared the most so that a big positive!

Positive thoughts

23-04-14, 23:13

My dad used to get a puffy face and neck randomly and they couldn't figure out what it was. Gp thought that it could be an allergy to something but couldn't figure out what!
This was a couple of years ago and it hasn't happened since after those few occasions so it looks like he was also a medical mystery if that's any reassurance :-)

24-04-14, 08:05
Well that sounds like good news to me and will probably turn out to be nothing. When the doctors take a look at the results they may discharge you then. If you are anything like me you will be wanting explanations as to why this is but sometimes things just happen and they are nothing to worry about.

24-04-14, 22:35
Thanks everyone. I hope they get to the bottom of it. I've had a few scary moments today where I have thought things like 'what if it's a brain tumour pushing my skull out of line and making my face bigger on one side?' But I've managed to calm myself down and try to be more rational. I guess a brain tumour that was big enough to push my whole skull out of line would be causing a few other symptoms? Anyway, hopefully they will either find out what it is or just decide it isn't serious. Humly, how is your face now? X

25-04-14, 08:41
Hi. Ok. My cheek is still slightly bigger than the other but you know what, I think its always been like that and I never noticed. My hubby says its no different to what it was before and having looked at a few old photos I think he might be right. I always chew on that side as well which would explain it. Trying to convince myself! Hope you get sorted soon x

25-04-14, 18:23
Hi, I had something that sounds similar about 10 years ago... Oedma around my left eye... No cause. Gp wrote "possible space occupying lesion" on my letter for an urgent MRI. Nothing was ever found. Im healthy now and it rarely pops back.. Only when I'm tired. But... I'm now being investigated for autoimmune problem due to abnormal blood test... I'm not sure if they're related but may be worth asking.
