View Full Version : Positive stories about visiting the Dentist?

23-04-14, 21:31
I've got a phobia of the Dentist and needles. It doesn't help that the vast majority of experiences I've had were bad and the stories I've heard from friends are all horror stories.
Anyone have good experiences at the dentist? It would be great to hear them!

24-04-14, 02:40
I've never had a bad dental experience. I wish I had dental insurance so I could go more. I like getting cleanings. I've also had a million needles during pregnancy and childbirth twice. It's not a big deal. It's more the fear than the tiny bit of pain.

24-04-14, 06:01
Before my anxiety became a problem, I was fine with the dentists, just the usual bits of nerves anyone can get. I was going through my worst time with anxiety when I broke one of my wisdom teeth and I struggled on until I had to face it. When the appointment came, I backed out the first time as I barely slept and felt even worse. The break inbetween though allowed me to get past the side effects of the antidepressants I had just started and whilst I was still very anxious, I had more strength. I just had to keep telling myself that 30mins of this and a few days of an uncomfortable mouth is better than months of toothache.

The dentist was very good. I mentioned I had just started no the meds which were making me worse and had recently gone off sick from work due to my GAD relapse. They were very calm and said I could ask for breaks if needed (just a few minutes to breathe) but it wasn't really that bad. I focussed intently on a ceiling light and I found that my anxiety wafered up and down but overall it was more manageable.

Personally I think dentists have a far better way of calming anxious people than doctors because they see it day in, day out. It's their trade.

25-04-14, 11:35
I've never had a bad experience at the dentist.

Worse experience I had was she told me I had a small mouth. EEEER THANKS FOR THAT !

Fear more NOT going to the dentist.

Not going to the dentist = rot, black, PAIN, agonising PAIN. Picture the smile.

Now picture the options -

Mum. "Come on dear, I'll have a go. It's ok, I'll try it with a knife and a corkscrew from the kitchen, shouldn't be any more difficult than opening a can of tuna, come and sit here"

THe builder next door. "Oh, err, I suppose I can have a go dear yes, ermmmm, a chisel and hammer might do it, come and sit here and I'll see what I can do"

Mr dentist on the other side of town has been training for years, learning every aspect of dentistry. He's had a conveyor belt of mouths put in from of him and has now repeated the same processes tens of thousands of times and is now robot like. He's perfect, precise, excellent at his job. And he should be because he's done it so many times to such precision and perfection that he sees it in his sleep.
"Aah HalfJack isn't it ? Come and sit down. I know exactly what to do. It'll be simple and it'll be quick."
YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES. PHEEEEEW. Thank god for dentists (relief)

They know what they're doing. I've always found them expert at what they do.
It's all a bit annoying but that's all.

26-04-14, 04:55
Hahaha!! sadly I already have a little decay (back teeth) but no bad breath or pain. I did live through 3 years of pain though, the nerves in my 2 bad teeth are dead... My determination is clearly wasted on avoiding the dentist! You are right, better go now before the damage is visible or gets even worse.

Now you mention it dentists have been nicer to me than Dr's. Wow, I'd never thought about that. Even if they did a bad job, they were nice about it! I got through my first examination since my anxiety a little while ago with a dentist who was VERY thoughtful about my anxiety. I was too anxious for him to work on my teeth but my new Dr's have offered me medication for the occasion so that might be enough to tip me over to treatable, at least for a quick filling maybe, that would be a start; and make me unbearably happy.
When I talk about how the phobia makes me feel/act I feel absurd really, which is hopefully a good thing... I definitely don't identify with the phobia.

It's amazing to hear such positive stories, much better having those rattling around my head than the previous ones I had in there. I've only ever been to the dentist 5/6 times so it's also just really good to hear people talk about it like it's normal.
Needles too, I really need to focus on the fact that people get them ALL THE TIME and live to tell the tale.

I feel A LOT better about it now, another NMP positivity level up :D I've actually been having a terrible week but this has made me forget all about it, thank you so much xxx

26-04-14, 06:55
I'm opposite to most people - I absolutely LOVE going to the dentist. I have never had a bad experience at the dentist. My dentist is a lovely man, very kind :) I always used to ask him what he was doing and he would explain every step to me as he went along. I'm not so curious now because I know everything. The worst part for me is just getting the needle, but I try to think of it as - well if I didn't get the needle I would be in A LOT more pain than the needle itself causes, haha. And they are always very gentle in my experience.

I think dentists are very aware that people are scared of them and they try very hard to make you feel comfortable and to show you that there's nothing to be afraid of. They don't like people being afraid of them, they just want to help and make your teeth beautiful :)

---------- Post added at 16:55 ---------- Previous post was at 16:53 ----------

And in saying that the worst part for me is the needle, I don't mean that it hurts a lot! It's just the anticipation of the needle. Once it's in I always think "Oh, was that it? Silly me!".

26-04-14, 07:58
HalfJack "another nmp positivity level up"

:yesyes: very witty

26-04-14, 18:15
I was just at the dentist last week and was a bit worried as I had have 3!! New wisdom teeth come through in less than a year. But the dentist told me my teeth were very good and that the wisdom teeth now stay in cause of new guidelines! So get to keep all my teeth as long as they don't hurt! Woo!

27-04-14, 06:32
The last time I was at the dentist, I was very stressed and panicky. Not about the treatment but because of aggoraphobia and general anxiety. My old dentist who knew my situation and was very, very understanding had moved on. So there was me in an anxious mess (so much so, that I felt the need to explain my disorder to a complete stranger and that it wasn't dentists in general). Ok, I'm not gonna say it was easy but that was down to the panic. The actual dentist and his assistant were so kind and funny with their banter I was actually laughing while getting the work done! Noone wants to go to the dentist but honestly, halfjack, it's never as bad as you think. I hope you get it done (or have had it done) :)

30-04-14, 01:45
Just a word of advice HalfJack, it might be wise to discuss the medication with your dentist as well because if they are going to be giving your anaesthetic, they should ask about current medications and it may safe you a wasted trip. I’m sure they won’t mind you calling to check if X meds are ok.

Besides, some dentists advertise doing their own sedation so maybe that is an option?

24-06-14, 22:52
Just to chip in here, the majority of experiences I've had at the dentist have been completely fine, but I guess it depends a little on the actual dentist you are seeing. During my lifetime so far, I suppose I've seen about 8 different dentists, 7 were fantastic, 1 not so much (but even that wasn't that bad). It really is nothing to worry about, and if you go ahead and explain your fears and concerns to them beforehand they are always really helpful and caring.

As an example, my Mother really really hates the dentist but unfortunately seems to always have something wrong with her teeth (oh the irony), and recently had to have some major work on a tooth and its root... Needless to say, she was dreading it and therefore told the dentist and nurse about her concerns. After hearing her fears, they really couldn't have been more supportive and lovely... The nurse held Mum's hand and spoke to her throughout, which kept her calm and comfortable. Afterwards, she couldn't have been more upbeat about her experiences (which was strange - if you didn't know where she had just been you'd never have guessed it was the dentist!!), and it has made her way more confident about going back for the next treatment.

Just be open with them about what you're worried about and i'm sure everything will work out :) Good luck!

19-07-14, 12:34
My fear is extractions I'm ok with everything else I have this fear they will not be able to get it out or they will break my jaw or worse it's irrational I know .

19-07-14, 14:30
I HATE the dentist. But every time I have gone it has not been as bad as I expect it to be. I do have to say after putting it off, I am going to try my best to keep up with 6 month cleanings because then I won't have to get extra work done each time I go.

With extractions, honestly I never even noticed them taking the teeth out and I had impacted wisdom teeth. I was under twilight gas for it.

19-07-14, 17:13
Hey guys thanks! I've still not been yet... but oddly enough I've set aside time to make an appointment next week.

I've got to go to a private dentist, so it's costing me a lot of money but they are a special place for nervous patients that offer sedation and have a very good reputation. My boyfriend has been there before for treatment and he said they were amazing so that made me feel more confident about it. I'm really worried about it but I'm more worried about my health at this point! I'm going to have to have A LOT of work done but I'm happy to have it done slowly at a rate I can afford.

I'm on a waiting list for exposure therapy to deal with my phobia of needles, which I'm ready to jump into, really determined to sort this out.

06-08-14, 11:10
I have never had a bad dental experience. None were amazing fun, but nothing painful and terrible, more uncomfortable and STILL I have a phobia of the dentist. I need to go soon because I broke a tooth which I have been blatantly ignoring. No tooth ache since that is a tooth I had a root canal on....but still I can't get the courage to go. I end up hyperventilating if I think about it too much. But to answer your question I have never had a bad experience. Even the root canal wasn't sore (a filling is worse in my opinion)

08-08-14, 23:54
Thanks :)
I've got two broken teeth... I haven't had any work done for 6 years... eep.
Although on the plus side my awesome immune system fought off the infection I had thanks to one of them so the pain is all gone. I'm trying to gear myself up to go at the moment too... figure it's about time!