View Full Version : Southampton Area

Vita Bella
23-04-14, 22:21
Hi all,

Is there anyone near Southampton who would be up for meeting?

I really want to take a step out of my comfort zone and this would be just the ticket, not to mention it would be great to maybe make a new friend who can actually understand what I'm dealing with.

I always get the impression that I bore my friends with my talk of anxiety, but it's such a dominating part of my life and it makes me feel worse to keep it in.

So come on, let's panic together :)

29-04-14, 16:14
Hi vita bella, I'm living in Chandlers Ford having just moved from Hull so I know very few people in the area so it would be nice to meet somebody who also goes through anxiety. I have suffered all my life with depression and anxiety, I feel that talking to somebody who is going through same or similar would be very helpful and as you say talking to other people about this also makes me feel as though I'm boring them or bringing their mood down :)