View Full Version : New here

24-04-14, 06:50
Hi all I'm new here and new to anxiety so thought if post something to get some reassurance. It all started a few months back when I started getting concerned about my health, no apparent reason but think it was just a build up of work, two young children turning 30 and generally just having quiet a stressful busy life. I started getting tingling in my arms and legs mainly when I was at work. I eventually went doctors after spending a month getting worked up about it! They did all the blood tests and they came back fine, they put it down to anxiety. 4 different doctors later and they still say it's anxiety I starting on citalophram 10mg just over three weeks ago. My anxiety is still really bad, I started getting muscle twitches at night although thy seem to of died down! I've lost my appitite and find t really hard to eat although normally by the evening I feel better and have been having a massive dinner to try and compensate. This morning after a night of very disturbed sleep I woke up feeling so sick and retching! I just wanted to know if anyone else had these symptoms and whether they were normal. Thanks to google I'm sure I have a terrible disease. Back at the doctors tomorrow to see yet another doctor which is probably why my anxiety is so high! Before this year I hadn't even visited a doctor since I was a kid. Anyway sorry for the long post hoping someone can help :-)

24-04-14, 07:10
hi and welcome to nmp its a great place to be,

i too suffer from anxiety and what you describe is classic anxiety symptoms

its good you got on meds but they do tend to make you feel worse before you feel better.

hope you get some benefit from them soon.
take care x

24-04-14, 08:50
Hello :welcome: I had pretty much the same symptoms as you. I started to get tingly feet,legs and hands...and numb arms. All started when I tried to go back to work last year. I didn't think too much of it at the time, and then in October..I had stress overload and had a full blown breakdown. I am now being treated for my anxiety on a med called mirtazapine. I have had no physical symptoms since, it also helps me to sleep. I've found this forum very helpful. I hope you will too :)

24-04-14, 09:10
Thanks for the responses guys always helps to know ur not alone. My head also feels constantly in a daze it's hard to describe not quiet dizzy just not right! Not sure if it's the meds or the anxiety either way I'm putting it down to one of those to stop myself thinking it's anything worse!!

24-04-14, 09:25
Possibly the meds making you feel 'foggy'...I ocassionally suffer from 'foggy brain' lol.. I put it down to my meds. I would say it's because the meds are trying to 'slow down' your whizzing worries and thoughts and therefore it feels a bit slow and dazey at times x

24-04-14, 09:57
Hi Shorty,
Welcome.You've found a good place here.

24-04-14, 13:23
Thanks everyone, I think my biggest problem is googling symptoms on the internet and convincing myself I have something awful! I have already tea on here it's not a wise think to do. I think that's what had caused the most problems so far :-/

24-04-14, 13:36
Thanks everyone, I think my biggest problem is googling symptoms on the internet and convincing myself I have something awful! I have already tea on here it's not a wise think to do. I think that's what had caused the most problems so far :-/

:welcome: to nmp remember doctor google wont tell you anything you want to hear he will tell you the worst please dont google it will make you worse ,if you need advice see your gp love xx

24-04-14, 13:58
Thank you, I am definitely going to try and stop with google I look to reassure myself but end up making it worse! When the tingling first started I read it could be something to do with my liver! All of a sudden I got liver pain had blood tests they came back and showe my liver was fine and the pain went away!!! I'm just hoping that will be the same with all my other symptoms :-)

24-04-14, 14:14
You're right there.
I did,and found that people have DIED! from the combo I'm on!
Still trying to find someone else whos on them t hough,there must be someone out there :shrug: