View Full Version : headaches and brain tumor concern.

24-04-14, 08:04
Hi everyone I was wondering if someone could offer some advice/experience based on my symptoms. Iv been having mild/moderate but ever present headaches that tend to move around for a a few weeks now. They tend to focus around the temples around/back of eye and on top towards back but move around. I have had a very thorough eye test which showed no problems at all iv been to the docs 3 times and had blood tests which were fine and just had slightly higher blood pressure. Iv been worrying myself very much with the thought of having a brain tumor as its still not fully gone. I am prone to health anxiety and I just cant get this out of my mine and at some points feel somewhat paniced by it. Iv had a bit of stress in my life over the last few months such as job, buying a house and a stressful partner that puts alot of isdues on me at times, but iv had stress previously in my life and this never happened. What are the chances iv got a brain tumor. Im 28, male and usually a very healthy person. I made the mistake of googling and now im looking out for symptoms :-(. Thanks

24-04-14, 09:36
Hi sorry you are feeling a bit rough, as you know we are not here to give a medical diagnosis just to let you know you are not alone, having said that you have been opticians and they have found nothing, you have been Drs and they have found nothing remarkable other than slightly raised BP which was I presume you were anxious, so after hearing you have a lot off stress at the moment in bucket loads :ohmy: I would say its down to that, I can have a head ache for weeks when I am tired or stressed but its not a brain tumour, head aches are not primarily a brain tumour symptom so I suggest you relax and take a couple of paracetamal which are a safe pain killer.

24-04-14, 10:56
As far as I know headaches associated with brain tumors are severe and worse in the morning, often accompanied by vomiting. As for the chances 21 people out of 2.2 million died of a brain tumor between the ages of 25-29 last year so over 100000 to 1 chance, hopefully that is some help

24-04-14, 11:25
Ok thanks guys makes me feel a bit better knowing that. I take it its possible for people to get on going headaches from time to time then for no particular reason? Can I take alot of comfort in the fact the eye test and doctors eye check came up with no issues? Is this an accurate way of seeing if some people have a tumor?

24-04-14, 12:16
It's very accurate yes gozzy.

I've had some form of headache everyday for months. Especially around the temples.

May I ask if you clench your jaw? Look there for a problem. Stress causes us to tense and with the jaw muscle being one of the strongest muscles in the body it can cause a whole host of symptoms, one of them being a temple/eye ache.

I grind my teeth in my sleep so before I knew I had the exact same fear as you.

I hope your feeling better soon!

25-04-14, 07:57
I dont think I do clench my jaw but once I start thinking about something its very hard for me to stop worrying which obviously cant help, its stress. Also if I sleep in longer than 8 hrs I feel head achy. My sister and mum suffer alot with headaches.

25-04-14, 11:05
You are now being rational and putting your headache into the catorgry of being more just an every day nuisance from a brain tumour, and also headaches can be a bit family orientated, my mum had one most days.
Like I have said before Its not all anxiety It can be just a part of being human LOL
hope you feel better today

25-04-14, 11:35
I am feeling a bit better just one more thing, I do have a slight headache today but decided to take a pain killer the doc prescribed but its not really made alot of difference is this worrying that it not made it fully go away? I felt great last night no headache!