View Full Version : How to stop worrying about heart palpitations

24-04-14, 11:50
I've just written an article that I hope will be of some help to people who suffer from heart palpitations. For me, palpitations were the worst symptoms - I found it hard to cope with them and they sent my health anxiety spiralling to the point where I couldn't easily go to my local shop without fear of dropping down dead.

I hope this article helps people, and I would welcome any comments:




24-04-14, 12:02
Great article, Skippy. I truly believe that acceptance is such a huge key to managing any sort of anxiety and the physical symptoms that go with it. It was a hard thing for me to learn, probably one of the most difficult, but once I practiced it on a daily basis, it got easier and easier.

24-04-14, 12:22
Ever since I "survived" numerous ECGs, did a stress (running) test and carried a 24h Holter Monitor, I dramatically reduced my heart obsession, and what do you know? Palpitations dramatically reduced as well.