View Full Version : How much Valium to get through a long flight?

Boos Mum
24-04-14, 12:04
I need to fly 11 hours, and scared to death of flying. I have other medical issues so it's not a unjustified fear completely.

Valium on land seems to work better than in the air, is there a point where the stuff would actually work?

I've got to taper down after too which is a pain, if I forget to I have a seizure.

I hear of people sleeping on planes (who can do this!?!?) and being fine after a few pills, what does are they taking?

25-04-14, 08:30
I think you really need to talk to your GP about the dose of meds. especially as you have other health issues.
Practise your relaxation techniques leading up to the day of the flight and also whilst on the plane.
Have you considered hypnosis to help with your flight fears? That may be worth looking into.

25-04-14, 11:16
You could always ask your Dr for a sleeping tablet instead of diazepam I have never taken one but my mil takes one every now and then and sleeps like a log.
Where are you going

25-04-14, 20:30
U could try phenegran could be gram not sure of spelling a friend took this for a long flight said it worked wonders

25-04-14, 20:49
We can certainly not advise on dosage here - talk to your GP and only use prescribed drugs.