View Full Version : what are your thoughts on this?

24-04-14, 13:02
So since my last Doctors appointment I have had this conversation running through my mind and I just don't understand what the doctor meant - Please read and give me your thoughts.

I went to the doctors after taking lanzoprazole for 3 weeks which did not cure my stomach pain. I was hoping all I had was a stomach ulcer and this would cure it but it hasnt so now im worried its cancer because the tablets haven't worked.

I've kept this short but included the main points of the conversation

ME: Dr, the tablets haven't worked

DR: Well it could be 3 things, nothing, anxiety or sinister. The only way to confirm is with an endoscopy. Do you want one?

ME: I guess I should have one...but...So you are concerned then that it could be sinister???

DR: No, quite the opposite, we know you have had anxiety issues in the past and we know anxiety causes abdominal pains - do you want the endoscopy or not? I wouldn't have one personally as its invasive.

I'm worried that the doctor is confirming it could be cancer because the tablets haven't worked. But how can he say quite the opposite????

24-04-14, 13:42
I think he's saying he'll do the endoscopy to ease your fears even though he doesn't think it is necessary.

24-04-14, 14:04
I agree - he's giving the option, although he's saying it's not something he'd do himself.

24-04-14, 14:07
but why haven't the tablets worked? do you think he may be saying that the tablets would have helped symptoms even if it WAS stomach cancer?

Catherine S
24-04-14, 14:43
I think people who haven't had cancer or haven't lived with someone who has, cannot comprehend the pain. Its a pain you need morphine for, its a pain that makes you stop living your life until the treatment for it is over, its not a bad stomach ache or twinges or twitches, and even though having a stomach ulcer is really bad pain...really bad, its nowhere near this either. So, if your doctor is only doing an endoscopy because he feels you would want it because of your anxiety, then accept that he actually isn't worried enough to do it for himself. If he himself thought you needed one he wouldn't ask you to choose.

24-04-14, 14:46
I agree ISB, if he was truly concerned he would say he wanted and endoscopy ASAP.

24-04-14, 15:33
I think people who haven't had cancer or haven't lived with someone who has, cannot comprehend the pain. Its a pain you need morphine for, its a pain that makes you stop living your life until the treatment for it is over, its not a bad stomach ache or twinges or twitches, and even though having a stomach ulcer is really bad pain...really bad, its nowhere near this either. So, if your doctor is only doing an endoscopy because he feels you would want it because of your anxiety, then accept that he actually isn't worried enough to do it for himself. If he himself thought you needed one he wouldn't ask you to choose.

You got that right ISB! I cannot put into words accurately what I went through.

The doctor is offering you reassurance that will cost lots of money and only work for a short while. Most meds (SSRIs inparticular) react and work differently for different people and take time to work. There are other stomach meds (PPIs) that may work better....worth asking about.

Positive thoughts

24-04-14, 16:06
Thanks people, I feel awful everytime I post asking for reassurance.

I have read people say they switched PPI's and they worked but my doctor insisted they all work the same and are very potent.

I have given up with the ranitadine, even 300mg does nothing. The only relief now is going without food or gaviscon every couple of hours.

Online is says it is very rare for PPIs not to work - makes me wonder if this isn't an acid problem at all - and it cant be inflammation either because my markers (crp) were fine??

---------- Post added at 16:06 ---------- Previous post was at 16:04 ----------

I think people who haven't had cancer or haven't lived with someone who has, cannot comprehend the pain. Its a pain you need morphine for, its a pain that makes you stop living your life until the treatment for it is over, its not a bad stomach ache or twinges or twitches, and even though having a stomach ulcer is really bad pain...really bad, its nowhere near this either. So, if your doctor is only doing an endoscopy because he feels you would want it because of your anxiety, then accept that he actually isn't worried enough to do it for himself. If he himself thought you needed one he wouldn't ask you to choose.

I think I have a misconception about cancer in that case then. Lots of sources online like cancer research uk say no symptoms is common.

I am still waiting for a referral letter :(

24-04-14, 16:46

The real truth about reassurance is that it only lasts a short time (you know this). If a medical professional can't do it, how can an internet forum of non experts do it?

Cancer, especially in the latter stages and/or when undergoing treatment is a pain that's indescribable. I was stage IV. By the time I went in for surgery, I was sick and it's a sick that again I cannot describe.

One year ago today I finished treatment. I was a shell of the man I was prior. It's been a year and I'm STILL not and never will be as I was before. You've been tested as much or more than I have and the results have been negative.

You're on an anxiety forum and posting about what you fear you have but in reality don't. Treating the root of the issue (anxiety) is the key to getting better.

Good luck and positive thoughts

24-04-14, 21:16
Hi Darren I had the exact problem you have and had the exact same conversation with my Dr who offered me an endoscopy for reassurance. I was convinced the result would be bad news due to the pain. However it was completely clear. As soon as I was given the results the stomach pain ceased! It has reappeared in my bowel though!! So more things to worry about. I completely agree with Fish though reassurance is fleeting! Keep remaining positive

Catherine S
24-04-14, 21:24
Hi Darren, yes some cancers are painless to start with, but you were talking about a painful stomach so I was referring to the pain of cancer once it takes hold. Your doctor knows the difference and he knows you, and there is a 'fast track' service for any doctor who thinks his patient needs to be referred for tests, but your doctor would only be carrying out a procedure because he feels it would reassure you, not him.

24-04-14, 23:01
I agree with Fishmanpa. Reassurance, or someone telling you that you're not ill, is not the answer. Dealing with the anxiety, and reactions to illness, is the answer.

People do get ill. It's life and it happens. But with us HA sufferers, I think we struggle coming to terms with the idea of being ill, to the point where we irrationally believe we have everything without any good reasoning for it.