View Full Version : Disciplinary Appeal Meeting Tomorrow

24-04-14, 15:43
As I've mentioned in a previous post I've been doing some voluntary management work with a charity.

Earlier this year one of the Directors made repeated comments disparaging my mental state, calling me a scrounger (I currently receive ESA) and sending bullying emails.

As you can guess I got very down and anxious and left the charity. With the support of Mind I came forward and made a formal complaint to the Board of Directors and to my delight other people came forward to support my complaint and offered further issues. The Director was sacked but as is his right, he is appealing and we have a face to face meeting tomorrow. He is going to suggest my 'mental state' means I have misunderstood and warped what he is saying.

I am dreading it, I feel weak, I'm getting panic attacks, I'm going back to how I was at my worst. Not sure how to deal with tomorrow, absolutely dreading it.

Any advice welcome x

Catherine S
24-04-14, 15:58
Hi Chester, well you have the support of MIND and others came forward too, so that can't be ignored by the appeal panel, its not as if its just you alone against him...will these other people have a say or not? I think you feel intimidated because he was one of the directors and you feel he has more clout, and that possibly the appeal panel will favour him over you? Not so. Others have believed what happened and have encouraged you to do this so have faith in yourself. Good luck with it, and let us know how you get on.


24-04-14, 16:16
It unbelieveable your giving up your time to help a charity and thats how you are treated sounds like a sad igorant man ,you need to stay focused and keep your head held high dont show him you are bothered ,stay strong dont let him get away with it xx

24-04-14, 16:29
Hiya Chester

Tell them that you and this director were in no way friends and so in no way could these comments be construed as friendly banter etc.
And that considering his position you deemed his comments to be highly inappropriate, as, it seems, have others.

What did he say ?

24-04-14, 16:57
I'm sorry this happened Chester. Firstly I would say that if you don't feel up to doing this then I am sure you cannot be forced to face the person who bullied you and could present your side of things in writing if you choose.

Remember that it is not easy to sack someone, but his employer felt they had enough evidence to do so. It's highly unlikely this appeal will be upheld.

Bearing in mind that other people came forward as well as you, then I don't see how they can blame your reaction on your state of mind. Is he actually saying that he was the only person there sane enough to understand his 'jokes?'

My guess is he's got himself a solicitor who's seen some easy money here. He's legally (though probably not morally) entitled to appeal this decision, but that in no way means his appeal will be upheld.

Try and remember this is just one day. Your success rate so far of surviving difficult days is 100%, and I don't see why tomorrow will be any different. It's completely understandable that you are distressed by this. It amounts to further bullying in my opinion, and I'm surprised the employer are not offering you, the victim, protection from him. But you are not back to square one even if your feelings are similar at the moment, it's a bump in the road, and I think you will find yourself getting back on track very quickly.

It's very difficult for genuine claimants to get ESA, if you were awarded it, it is because you are entitled and that makes you in no way a scrounger. I'm sorry it has been used against you, and your mental health problems too. I hope tomorrow goes OK for you.

25-04-14, 11:37
Hi Chester

If you possibly can make it to this meeting, do so. Take someone with you as support - they won't speak for you, but can be there with you. If you don't go, this guy will use this to say that you obviously lied and are demonstrating this by not showing up.

Also, if other people have made complaints, they shoud be called in as well - it will be the same for everyone, so I doubt you're being singled out.

Good luck.

25-04-14, 12:12
Well I've just left the meeting and I'll give a brief of what the other person said

- Chester has a known mental condition (GAD actually!) and is therefore not a fit and proper person to be in a position of trust.

- I had to email Chester and other colleagues to check up on them because of their mental health condition. My tone was abrupt but clearly due to their condition Chester has been very sensitive on this occasion.

- It is my obligation to protect the organisation from individuals like Chester with a mental health condition (again GAD!)

- I feel it is inappropriate for Chester to be volunteering whilst claiming a form of Government benefit. It was my duty as a trustworthy citizen to report this to the DWP Fraud Department. (I should add they got in touch but already had copies of letters from hospital consultants and CBT therapist recommending volunteering - which is 3 hours a week - as a form of recovery and they were fine with it)

- I do not feel safe around Chester nor should the general public because of their mental health problem (yes, my Generalised Anxiety Disorder will force me to kill you!!)

In the end I didn't have to face the person directly, It was done in separate rooms.

Anyway, the Board have retired to review evidence. I put my case out and others backed it up and they'll make a decision within 2 weeks.

All this bloody fuss for a few hours a week, glad I stood up for myself though and to an extent, others, can't let someone declare GAD is somesort of psychotic disease!

25-04-14, 12:40
When you hear about the results of the meeting, Chester, will you post them on this thread, please. :)

Catherine S
25-04-14, 13:37
Well done for going through it, but what a load of nonsense from this person? Can't believe he said all of that in his own defense. I know its not funny but you have to laugh at his cheek!


25-04-14, 14:48
I think he's made himself sound like the idiot he is.

"I had to protect the company from these mentally ill people"

"They're dangerous. I felt in danger. "

Is what I'm hearing. I'm embarrassed for him.

They'll probably lock him up for being a danger to mentally ill people.

"Sir, considering the negative way you perceive mentally ill people you clearly shouldn't have been in the position you were and therefore we uphold your dismissal"

25-04-14, 21:06
He has made himself look like a complete idiot. So he basically thinks companies should never employ someone with a mental illness? - that would be illegal! And also impossible, since you can't tell someone has a mental illness just by looking at them.

26-04-14, 19:02
He sounds like one of the people who automatically think that any mental illness means that you'll go off on some sort of spree at a moments notice. It's this kind of discrimination that we all face daily and whilst there are people out there who are understanding of MH problems his behaviour is the reason we don't confide in others or maybe keep problems away from the attention of an employer.

I'm glad you've stuck up for yourself and others and hopefully he'll be exposed for his narrow mindedness. It seem's that his moral compass doesn't function as it should and he'll get a touch of reality.

26-04-14, 20:07
Omg chester isnt he a rude ignorant man and its just as well it was done in separate rooms I mean you could of killed him with a look you no because of your illness lol stupid plain stupid

And as for fraud does he have any idea you have to be earning money for it to be fraud ,it makes me sick you do a good thing for chairity and thats the way your treated disgusting .

Its no wonder there is still a stigma with mental health because of pig headed people like that ,we have nothing to be ashamed of its him who should be xx

26-04-14, 21:09
Excuse my outburst but.... I can not F****** believe it!

What a lovely thing to volunteer. And just when you take recommended steps to aid your recovery does this therapy aka volunteering inadvertently do the opposite.

Just TYPICAL and soooooo very predictable for that director to use your health against you.and saying you shouldn't be volunteering whilst on benefit suggests to me that he/her stereotypes you as some sort of benefit scum. Like if you can manage to volunteer you can obviously work. But it is a form of getting yourself better it's exposure therapy. AND the directors attitude is DISCRIMINATION. Very professional!

Surely even though it's volunteering you've had the necassery chats/checks! So why take you on in the first place because they should as employers be able to spot most unfit individuals, on the majority, anyway!!! Maybe it's them that shouldnt be in a job - trouble causing twisted bully.

And the bit about your mental health making you over sensitive and cloding your views and judgment on reality - JOKE simply typical & LAME, just what you'd expect from a bully.

Hope the sacking remains just that.


23-06-14, 14:31
Hello lovely people.

I know its been a while, I've unfortunately been unwell in hospital, so here's an update on the whole 'situation'

The Final Appeal by the Director is this Friday and the added joy is that I'm being sued (along with 5 other complainants) for defamation of character (I have 5 written and signed witness statements backing me up)

I'm seriously considering counter suing (with no real intention to sue) for discrimination under the Mental Health Act (not sure what the exact legislation would be)

It all comes down to 5 people on Friday (6 votes in total as the Chair of the Enquiry gets the passing vote) on what the final decision is.