View Full Version : Almost scared to relax?

24-04-14, 18:06
Hello, so I've recently joined. I'm 18 years old and at university, and for the past four months have been suffering from stress and what probably is anxiety, although my mind flip flops through thinking it is and isn't and that I'm being perfectly rational about my health.

I've had two ecg's and a blood test the doctor just said all that was detected was that my heart beat was fast (~100) and he could give me beta blockers if I wanted.

I've had trouble falling asleep for months now, including jolting awake unpleasently, for fear of what might happen I guess, and a lot of nights are spent awake until 3 in the morning worrying, panicking, trying to distract myself, not wake and worry my mum etc.

I'm really trying everything to de-stress and change my mind- eating healthier (putting on weight as my bmi went to about 17.5ish and I still haven't had a period for 4 months), thinking rationally, meditation, excersice, ignoring the symptoms I have (chest pain in various forms, fluttering in chest, random tilts of the world, feeling that half the air I'm breathing is going in the 'wrong way' not to my lungs most of the day, random aches, forgetting how to swallow mid way through) that I feel the doctor did pass off maybe a tad too quickly as anxiety, but he's probably right.

But I'm in two minds. I know that thinking about death, and contemplating, whether calmly or not, that I'm going to die is not healthy and pointless, but I can't stop thinking almost constantly that all the symptoms I have surely can't be from anxiety- like the air thing? Or the world suddenly titling for like a second when I'm just in a grocery store or sitting at my laptop.
Or that even if I was healthy my heart could just give out or I could die in an accident, and that, therefore, I really won't make tomorrow.

And when I do try and relax I feel really really weird (as in floaty and though I'm losing control) as though I'm pre emting something and that I'll just pass out or stop and well, yeah-that'll be it.

I know it's ridiculous to be scared of death as it's going to happen to everyone and you won't even know it because you'll be dead, but my mind jsut keeps changing though moments of clarity and calm and rationale to complete confusion and sadness and sometimes recognisable panic.

And also (I'm so sorry for such a long post that isn't really asking anything, but any comments and help will be appreciated) do you think the physical symptoms I have are due to the constant anticipation of death of myself or people around me, and is there any way I can help this.
Thank you.

24-04-14, 21:48
Hi sorry to hear about your problems, but I can assure you its anxiety. And as we all know on here its so power full and at times hard to accept. The good news is you will beat it, as we get older we all start thinking about life and death. And with the internet on hand the knowledge at our disposal is dangerous. By the sound of things you have had a lot of worry going on in your life recently and overtime that upsets your sleep pattern and then creates anxiety.
Meds might help but assure yourself you are healthy and its just that pain in the butt anxiety playing its nasty tricks.
Good luck x