View Full Version : What do you want?

24-04-14, 19:35
Have a think about what you really want, and tell me on this thread.

Do you want to have no ill symptoms whatsoever? Because we all know that's unreasonable and impossible. Do you want to get rid of health anxiety? Because that's possible, but needs some work on your part and a change in attitude which can be tricky. Maybe you just want to stop feeling anxious all the time.

What do you want? Please tell me.

24-04-14, 19:43
Hi skippy I just want to get to a place were I feel comfortable with or without my anxiety ,it sound stupid but anxiety is apart of me now as long as I can controll it I would be happy ,there is plenty of poor souls worse than me xx

24-04-14, 19:49
I want to not feel aches and pains. I feel like I am never at a point where I don't have some sort of 'pain' somewhere on my body! I want to feel completely at peace and not afraid of things that aren't there!! X

24-04-14, 20:00
I want to not feel aches and pains. I feel like I am never at a point where I don't have some sort of 'pain' somewhere on my body! I want to feel completely at peace and not afraid of things that aren't there!! X

You do realize that's not possible? Even before my health issues when I was fitter than men half my age, I had aches and pains. In fact, there wasn't a day that went by that I wasn't sore from working out or something else. That's the reality of life. Being at peace and not fearing what isn't there is certainly attainable! :)

As for what "I" would really want? To continue being a survivor. I'm finally with whom I feel is my soul mate. I'd like to grow old together and be one of those couples holding hands on a bench by the sea. I can deal with the aches, pains and all the nasty side effects from cancer treatment and heart disease but I want some quality time with the one I love before I leave this earth.

Positive thoughts

24-04-14, 20:09
I want to know that I will live happily until I am at least 100!

And, yes, I do know I am asking the impossible - but you did ask:)

24-04-14, 20:18
I'll second that Fishmanpa,
Its all that matters in the end.
I've been fortunate to have been happily married for 36 years,and during that time we've had everything possible thrown at us,but we've got through it.
I had a major op at Christmas and he never left my side..
I want that to continue as long as possible
I pray it does

24-04-14, 20:28
I'll second that Fishmanpa,
Its all that matters in the end.
I've been fortunate to have been happily married for 36 years,and during that time we've had everything possible thrown at us,but we've got through it.
I had a major op at Christmas and he never left my side..
I want that to continue as long as possible
I pray it does

Where's the "LIKE" button? :)

Positive thoughts

24-04-14, 21:08
Yeah I guess your right. I want to feel NORMAL! X

24-04-14, 22:29
I want to have the self confidence to know that I can handle whatever comes my way.

Catherine S
24-04-14, 22:51
What I really really want is a body like Beyonce and a couple of million in the bank quite frankly Skippy :D

25-04-14, 00:15
I want to feel like I can live my life without worrying all the time rather that worrying about the life im living, I want ro beable to feel some sort of pain or ache and think, ahhhh its nothing...

Id also like to go shopping with my girlfriends and actually enjoy it insted of worrying about everything that kight happen whilst im there (got a thing about bombs atbthe moment too)

Inalso want to go to a restaurant alone, sit down, order whatever I want off the menu and eat it without having someone having to eat some first, or get a bottle of coke from the shop open it and drink it without having to wait for someone to test the seal and have a 'big gulp' as I always say...

Pffft, if only ay ;)

25-04-14, 00:17
From this forum I hope to understand more and become more happier with the situations that I live with day to day. I want to just feel "normal" and just be what I used to be. :)

I also really like what Fishmanpa said as well. Makes me really wanna be as compassionate as his words.. Haha.. :)

25-04-14, 00:37
I want to be fearless. At least about illness and death.

25-04-14, 01:41
I want to feel at peace inside... No more black clouds, terror and that horrible sense of something horrendous lurking round the corner ruining my life. I also want to know that I will live to a grand old age and see my baby grow up an have her own babies though I know that's impossible for me to know, only God knows

25-04-14, 10:31
Well here's the good news folks: most of the things people have asked for on this thread are absolutely possible. You all can and will achieve them.

Think about that for a minute, and take the first steps towards it today.

25-04-14, 23:51
I want to be able to think rationally when it comes to my health.

Catherine S
25-04-14, 23:54
What? I can really have a body like Beyonce? Cool!

26-04-14, 08:25
Just to be able to do simple things in life anxiety panic agraphobia free would be so great x

26-04-14, 08:32
Just to feel calm inside.

26-04-14, 08:40
What Elliott said: "I want to be fearless. At least about illness and death." That's my wish too.

And, what Fishmanpa and Sarah1989 said, about having quality time with loved ones and living to see our children grow up. That's what my heart longs for.

26-04-14, 08:52
What I want - I want to stop my mind working overtime, I want to stop self diagnosing through good old google.
I want to be able to sit with my partner and enjoy a meal without thinking I'm choking.
I want to feel normal again.

26-04-14, 18:49
What I really really want is a body like Beyonce and a couple of million in the bank quite frankly Skippy :D

ISB you have made me chuckle xx :roflmao: