View Full Version : Just when I thought I beat it!

24-04-14, 22:45
Just when I thought I beat it after a good couple of months my anxiety is back with a vengeance. Does anyone else suffer from the below:
Pain in back/side of neck
Gritting back teeth
Pain under left rib
Growling stomach
The runs
Muscle pain near heart
Lack of concentration
Bad temper
Feeling antisocial
Panic attacks

When my anxiety is at it's peak I suffer from all of the above daily! I'm currently on no medication. Some reassurance from the great people on this forum would be comforting.

Catherine S
24-04-14, 22:49
Do you mean you had those couple of months without every one of these symptoms? So, do you think they may have returned because you were waiting for them to, and they've just obliged?

24-04-14, 22:56
Yeah I had a couple of months with no symptoms! Just when I think all is well it comes back to me! I think you're right I must have been waiting and looking for them.

Catherine S
24-04-14, 23:00
Sometimes if we get a good run without anxiety, we wonder why, which means we are then tuning back into it. Health anxiety can be very suggestive and yo can kind of talk your way back into it.

24-04-14, 23:06
I've noticed that if I'm distracted my 'issues' don't effect me but then all of a sudden I think about it and have a panic attack. Also if I go to places where I've previously had a anxiety / panic attack that also brings them on.

Catherine S
24-04-14, 23:19
That's common even with 'normal' people, everyone's mind is open to suggestion. The thing is to not think you've failed when you get any symptoms, or that you've 'beaten it' when you don't...don't seperate it off in that way...just try to think of it all together as sometimes people feel like crap and sometimes they don't, and when they don't they are a little more kind to themselves, don't push themselves too hard etc, until they feel a bit more normal again. You recovered and you will again, have faith.

24-04-14, 23:22
Thanks for your words. I currently have a bad pain at the back of my neck could be tension or trapped nerve but as an anxiety sufferer I'm thinking the worst and it's causing panic attacks :-(

25-04-14, 00:23
I know exactly how you feel, its so scary how the feelings can just come on whilst I have had a bad few months with pretty much constant Anxiety I have had a lovely week with my son. Then tonight just felt like a couldn't get my breath and bang I am full blown panic mode and dreading the very long lonely night ahead.

25-04-14, 00:26
Hey, I'm having some pretty bad neck pain too! And some pretty nasty one sided headaches with it. Don't feel too bad, I'm sure you'll be okay :) Remember to just push yourself to live life as well as you can even with how you are feeling :)

Also I always tell myself this cheesy little line, but it's a nice thought. It too, shall pass. :)

Catherine S
25-04-14, 00:57
So what do you think the pain at the back of your neck is if not tension? I don't mention the trapped nerve because what did you do to trap a nerve? Some DIY? Gym session?