View Full Version : Cant stop worrying =(

24-04-14, 22:55
I have so many sensations that just aren't right- I just worry about MS constantly - I have dizziness, floaters, skin sensations, heavy, numbness all of it and my doc still insists its all anxiety !!!!!!!
How do i get it in my head nothing is wrong with me???

24-04-14, 23:10
I feel your pain. I'm such a wreck! But know that you have all of us here for you xx

24-04-14, 23:18
I think the same thing had myself convinced for days told my husband I had it. Horrible, the only thing that helped me was reading somewhere that those MS symptoms don't come and go minute by minute. There are also so many other symptoms for that, you don't have them. So hang in there I know sometimes the fear takes over, but stay focused, you can do it! Your doctor would know he said it's your anxiety tell yourself that, it will help. GOD Bless

24-04-14, 23:46
So true the fear has been winning lately! i hope you both feel better also,

may GOD bless you as well:hugs:

24-04-14, 23:53
I have all of what you have listed...

Anxiety sucks and the symptoms you can actually get are crazy, how can anxiety make all these symptoms!

Hope you feel better soon

25-04-14, 02:17
Yes it is crazy! thank you,
i hope you feel better also..