View Full Version : Became terrified in the last 5 mins!!! :(

24-04-14, 23:09
I was putting my Jammie's on and right where I've been experiencing pain for a year between my breast and my armpit was a smooth red mark on my skin. I had taken my bra off a couple of hours previously so couldn't be that! Oh shit what if it IS inflammatory breast cancer and it's starting to show as a rash on my breast. I'm shaking even writing this, I feel sick!! :( it was the size of a 5p and shiny looking!! :( I can't take this!!

24-04-14, 23:45
I'm sorry you aren't feeling too well! My hunch is that it is nothing, just a harmless mark or rash or thing that means nothing. It is hard to feel that way when the HA starts attacking, but I think you will be ok so long as you focus on the good things.

I always have weird looking marks on my body and they never turn out to be anything serious.

24-04-14, 23:45
First of all, you need to try to calm down :) Secondly, there's a slim chance that it's breast cancer, it could quite possibly be all sorts of things. Most probably, if not all, aren't fatal. In case you wanted to continue to assure yourself it's breast cancer, just know that the survival rate is very, very high compared to most cancers. It also doesnmt tend to show up in "spots". Be at ease, and rest to see if it's still there tomorrow. It can't kill you overnight.

24-04-14, 23:46
Have tou been sweating in that place??? The mark could also still be there from when tou had taken your bra off...

Try to stay calm (easier said than done) and if its dtill there in the morning then theres mo harm in just making an appointment with your doctor just to reassure yourself


25-04-14, 14:03
It's still there :(

I'm going to make an appointment with me GP on Monday - couldn't make one today due to being in work at 7am! Can't believe I need to wait until Monday. I'm freaking out so much, can't concentrate at work and just want to go home and curl up until Monday! I'm hoping that because the pain has been there a year now with no changes and the bruise isn't actually in my breast (more where the wire of my bra ends) it's not IBC as it's a very aggressive type of cancer which usually shows in a matter of days or weeks! I have no lump, dimpling, nipple changes etc so TRYING to stay positive. Just feel sick with worry :( x

25-04-14, 16:35
I wonder if it is your bra (bras) that are causing the problem in the first place. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about (which is pretty much impossible for us HA suffers). The red mark could easily be a contact allergy of some description. The GP will be able to put your mind at rest and, in the meantime, try not to focus on it (says she, the world's worst obsesser!). X

25-04-14, 17:57
Yeah I think its youe bra too..

Have you had the pain checked out before with it being there for a year, if so I wouldnt worry about that...

Enjoy your weekend, try not to worry to much because I doubt its nothing.