View Full Version : Recent Factual Completion

24-04-14, 23:31

I was recently and factually requested for the following piece.

It took me a factual few hours when I got around to the task.

It has been almost a full day and such since communicating with my best friend.

While I am fine-ish, I dislike it more than factual anxiety.

My fact for such?


If I am fine without her, and factually do not need herself to be fine, I factually view this as stating I do not need her entirely.

Then there are the factual thoughts which continue to state how it might factually be herself when it is not her fault I have stated thoughts and such.

They are indirectly herself, in that she is the object and I do factually get anxiety, however she is by no means at fault and does not factually cause such herself.

She is missed.. more than I can state or factually am able to feel at present as I seem to be in a factually calm state and such.

If my posts are factually uninteresting because of their repetitious factual content, state such and I shall refrain and such facts.

Best of factual wishes to all DPGs and ladies within this factual forum. If conversation is required, I am as per the usual, glad to be of factual use and oblige assistance.

Catherine S
25-04-14, 01:19
I love this sketch Greyback, its really good...you have a talent for sure. Peace to you.

25-04-14, 01:29
While I factually appreciate the undeserved nice words Miss, and I factually respect your view as naturally per usual, I am sure there are others more factually worthy of such.

I am a factual copyist or designer of low factual quality and such.

Peace is not factually complete without my best friend. While I might be factually fine-ish when thinking ceases.. It does not factually come close to factually once we have conversed.

She is factually missed beyond words I can state.

Best of wishes to yourself and such Miss.

Catherine S
25-04-14, 01:31
I hope you speak to her soon. Best wishes Greyback x

25-04-14, 01:37
Indeed and such Miss. As do I myself.. I hope she is factually safe and fine.

How are you yourself and such Miss, if I might be so permitted to inquire?

Catherine S
25-04-14, 01:44
I'm good today Greyback, thanks for asking. How was your day?

25-04-14, 01:50
Indeed and such Miss. No thanks factually required.

It has been factually fine-ish aside from no conversation with my best friend due to facts I am unaware of and such.

While I might be factually fine-ish when thinking ceases.. It does not factually come close to factually once we have conversed.

It is indirectly to do with her factual self however she does not factually cause it.

While I might endure anxiety on factual occasions for long periods of time, I factually prefer such a fact. Being factually calm without herself is unnerving factually and does not compute to myself.

If I factually am fine-ish without herself, I factually view this as stating I do not require her contact entirely. However this is not the factual case or fact and such.

I do hope I have not factually stated any fact towards blaming herself and such Miss.

Catherine S
25-04-14, 01:56
No you haven't stated any fact towards blaming her Greyback, everything is ok, try not to worry.

25-04-14, 01:58
It is simply part of natural fact Miss in all facts of honesty.

While it concerns myself, it has become factually part of how I naturally and factually react when stating facts.

Is there factually any fact or form I can offer assistance and such facts to yourself Miss?

Catherine S
25-04-14, 02:01
That's very kind, but I'm good today thank you. Best wishes to you and your best friend Greyback.

25-04-14, 02:34
No thanks required and such Miss.

I conveyed best wishes to herself. As I was aware, she factually has been busy and I do hope only perfection is hers.

I simply seek to be of use and such Miss. It is what I factually function as and such.

If you yourself have a factual favourite animal and such facts Miss, or a photograph you would wish completed, state such and I shall attempt to oblige.

I simply inquire for facts to do as tasks. Nothing more and such

Catherine S
25-04-14, 02:37
Well my favourite animal is actually the lion..Leo is my birth sign, which is why I like the sketch you did earlier.

25-04-14, 02:42
Indeed and such Miss.

Ah I see and such. I was factually unaware of such facts. Favourites are not one fact I can see. I do not factually have a favourite of any category.

However as I am not factually one for repeating an animal, as I stated if there is also another animal and such facts Miss, or a photograph you would wish completed, state such and I shall attempt to oblige.

No factually offence intended. When it comes to animals and such facts, I am singular. I have repeated animals only due to their being factually loved by my best friend or on rare factual occasions.

I apologise if stated fact is disappointing.

Catherine S
25-04-14, 02:46
It's not disappointing to me at all Greyback, I understand and wouldn't want you to be stressed.

25-04-14, 02:47
It does not cause factual stress Miss. Simply I do not see the fact in repetition surprisingly when concerns animal work, aside from when concerns my best friend.

However as I stated, if you have a factual request, I shall attempt to oblige be it an animal completed or not and such Miss.

Catherine S
25-04-14, 02:53
Ok, no problem, thank you muchly :)

25-04-14, 02:56
No thanks required and such Miss.