View Full Version : weird feeling when laying down

25-04-14, 00:43
for a couple of nights now when i lay down i get a feeling like i cant breath and when i sit back up it goes. i think i have had this in the past a few times and i worried then aswell i have no idea what it could be its pretty scary and frustrating. i notice it when i lay on the sofa but when i go up to bed i dont get it well not that i can remember its really odd.
anyone else get this?

25-04-14, 00:47
Happens to me as well sometimes. I think you just need to get in a more comfortable position or prop your head up more. Sometimes the body just needs that exact bit of support. Nothing to worry about :)

25-04-14, 00:49
I totally get this.... and I agree is really scary

I even had it just sitting on the sofs the other night which freaked me out even more..

Its not pleasent at all, I have it whem im asleep to I have to sit up and gasp for air and my heart starts pounding. .

Ive been reassured that its a symptom of anxiety (another one on that long list)

Hope you feel more at ease soon :)

25-04-14, 07:02
Could it be acid reflux?