View Full Version : help !!! insomnia creeping back

25-04-14, 09:43
All for those that know me , you may remember that i went through a really bad bout of insomnia a couple of years ago that was criipling my life.i was eventually put on olanzipine at night and a higher dose of trazadone..it seemed to do the trick instantly.i was having good solid nights sleep every night no prob..well 2 years on and my life has all changed since last year.i spit with my wife after 15 years and have moved 4 times which has been very stressful.but it never efected my sleep ,which i look forward to so much to escape my day..but since living hear ,back at my sisters for 3 weeks now iv been finding it harded to fall to sleep and started waking early each day..each day it has slowly got worse for me.finding it harder to fall a sleep and trouble staying a sleep.waking around 6am is .well last night was the worse i woke at 5 am feeling awake and not tired but fed up and depressed that i was awake.esp living at my sisters house where everyone is still fast asleep..so i lay there for quite some time and eventualy fell back into a mini sleep.i must have had three different dreams as each time a dream come to its end , i woke up again.this happend three times and remember the dreams well..im worried ill start to wake early and more early as the next few days go by..its on my mind at night.im still not working and dont do much with my day..i have a lot of stress on my plate at the moment but dont take it to bed with me..any advice

25-04-14, 12:45
My anxiety was triggered as a result of insomnia. My mental health had been fine up until then so I totally sympathise with how much it can affect you.

Some people have the ability to not stress or get upset by no sleep but me, I just got really ratty and more and more cross every night. I know that my mum gets insomnia occasionally and she just picks up a book if she cant get back off within 15mins. I suppose that's a good idea as it takes the focus off of trying to sleep.

Another thing is to just get up and do something really boring if you wake and can't fall back to sleep in 15mins. Try cut out any caffeine after 3pm and possibly try have half a bannana or milky drink before bed. Sounds silly but there was a study that insomnia can be cured by bananas!! Not telling you it deffo works but worth a try.

I'm on mirtazapine which us a sedative antidepressant, I got so worked up in the end that I just exploded with stress and although I sorted my sleep was still anxious in the day. I only got this way because of the sleep so understand how horrible it is xx

25-04-14, 12:55
Everywhere else = sleep Ok
Sister's house where you've had issues before = sleep NOT Ok

The link is obvious

Positive thoughts

25-04-14, 13:05
I agree with Fishmanpa the last time you couldn't sleep was when you were at your sisters so there must be a link. Is the bed uncomfortable, room too light, noisy? I think you need to get out as much as you can during the day too. See if the doctor there can give you a gym referral or check with the MIND group to see if they have any activities that you can join in with.

25-04-14, 13:41
Well the first time i moved in with my sister i couldnt sleep but then after a few weeks my doctor put me on a new drug olanzipine and a much higher dose of trazadone.i instantly had a good nights sleep from then onwards.even when i moved from my sisters to watford then to aylsebury i was sleeping really well.but now been back at my sisters for three weeks my sleeping has been getting worse as the days go bt.and im still on the same meds that was giving me a good nights sleep.even if i take 20mf of tamazipan im still waking.just cant see why

25-04-14, 14:06
Maybe worth a visit to your doctor for a review of your meds. It could just be that you have got used to them and so they are not working so well.

25-04-14, 14:39
Yep your right annie maybe try something eles.i supose my court dat coming up in june isnt helping

25-04-14, 14:51
That is true Greg, That must be on your mind quite a bit :( Hopefully it will go okay for you then you can get on with things without the worry of that.