View Full Version : advice about chest/ heart please

25-04-14, 10:58
Hi was after a bit of advice for a couple of months I have been getting chest aches as if I have pulled something its quite hard to explain its like top of breast area and up over mainly sides not middle and also I get back aches and pains to all over top of back I went to docs a month or so ago and said it was probablymuscular pain they didn't even mention my heart but past week or more I have had this pain again and I am so worried its my heart I do have really bad posture and always lifting My 2 yrs old up and it does feel muscular but still worried it could be my heart and feel I am waiting for something to happen feel the more anxious I get the worse it is like yesterday it wasn't to bad but today bam its back and panicking was just wondering if anyone else gets something similar or if I should be worried thanks toria x

25-04-14, 11:10
How much does a 2 hear old weigh, I would say your pain is from the muscles as It causes the muscles to stretch like weight training and It hurts, does your chest hurt/feel sore in the place were you get the pain if you press It when you feel the discomfort

25-04-14, 11:23
Hi thanks for replying my 2 yr old weights 2 stone and is quite heavy, my chest does feel tender also feels like even if something light touches my chest its sort if feels weird and hurts in a weird way if that makes sense x

25-04-14, 14:27
I've noticed this pain over the last few weeks as well. It's on and off but can go on for 2-3 days straight. It was mostly right sided on my chest, but the worst part was the upper left back pain. It felt very deep, hurt to press on the area too. I didn't go to the doctors and I haven't noticed the pain in 2 days. I bet it's something with the way I sleep. Yours could easily be that, or from carrying your 2 year old.
Take care x :)

25-04-14, 20:28
Hi thanks for replying yeh I think the way I sleep has something to do with it mine is same can have days when not to bad and my back does hurt quite a bit, I think I hold myself very tense and with bad posture and lifting the little one its all added up I just worry cause my chest aches abd I automatically think its my heart,x