View Full Version : Am I being silly, is it really anxiety?

25-04-14, 12:10
Hi All,

So basically for about 3 months it feels like i have a blocked nose although breathing is normal and clear no wheezing etc. I've had many symptoms in this time, all of which have a negative test results back which is great ! However around 1 month ago when I went to bed a felt what I thought/think is a muscle in my neck right under my jaw it seems to emphasise it self when I'm laying down although I can't physically see it. It did die down for a bit but the other night I felt it again, played with it a bit and now it can get quite sore to touch. It also doesn't help that I have created a spot there where I itch and feel a little pain in my jaw. Question is does everyone have this muscle and do you think I have just irritated it?? Went to the doctor yesterday to rule out a couple of other thing and she did feel my neck and said I had one small lymph node but that's cause I have a bit of a phlegmmy throat and the 'blocked nose' now panicking it may be something serious??? I would appreciate your comments.

All the best !

25-04-14, 22:05

25-04-14, 22:51
Hi Smalldude you need to believe what the professionals are saying to you,and maybe the feeling in your neck is due to tension when we are stressed we tend to tighten are bodies up and your more aware because it sounds like your focusing on it try to relax more x

Catherine S
25-04-14, 23:20
Don't you trust your doctor much? You came away from your appointment with her and immediately dismissed everything she said! She said it was nothing and you think she has overlooked something serious, but why? I think you should start trusting what she tells you.

25-04-14, 23:37
Don't you trust your doctor much? You came away from your appointment with her and immediately dismissed everything she said! She said it was nothing and you think she has overlooked something serious, but why? I think you should start trusting what she tells you.

Just realised I wrote the last bit slightly wrong. I do trust my doctor, its just it did't feel like she felt the area I am worried about, although If there was an irregular lump etc i guess she would have spotted it straight away and everything in that area are connected so she definitely would have seen something ! Ive really gotta stop panicking, i just seem to be getting every symptom under the sun and the minute, its just frustrating ! :(

Catherine S
25-04-14, 23:47
That's the nature of the anxiety beast I know, but if you think your doctor might have missed a bit when feeling around your neck, maybe you can go back and point to the exact place that worries you?

27-04-14, 04:47
Smalldude, as ISB says, your GP can definately check this if you want to be sure but remember, if it's a muscle, we all have them as our physiology is the same.

Since you've had some viral symptoms, it could be related as we have glands in that area which swell up with colds, coughs, infections, etc.