View Full Version : Trace blood in urine with no infection

25-04-14, 14:18
Last 2 urine samples both had traces of blood in them. Results showed clear of infection
I am absolutely petrified , the blood is microscopic so I couldn't see it.
The first symptom I got was sudden intense lower left back pain which has spread to kidney area on left side as well as around the front of my left kidney area.
I was praying I would have an infection as my gp said that was the most so mon cause of blood in urine, I understand it could be a stone or a tumour,
I am gutted :weep: at the latter.
What else can it be .
I did have a ultrasound on ovaries,kidneys,liver,pancreas etc last Oct so hoping that if it were bad then it would have shown back then unless it's grown since then. This is tearing me apart and I have already had a massive panic attack before.
I can't cope at all :weep:

25-04-14, 14:23
What are the doctor's doing next then?

25-04-14, 14:28
I'm awaiting on the gp to ring me back , as the gp who sent off sample said if it was clear of infection then I would be getting refered to a kidney specialist.
When I rang for the results, the receptionist told me the results said no further action.
I then questioned about referal to hospital so she is getting someone to ring me back.

25-04-14, 18:41

I had this exact same thing with the urine. The receptionist told me all ok, no further action then the Dr called and said I needed to have further investigation. This was purely down to protocol, if you show traces of blood on 3 separate occasions and are over 40 you should get referred to a urologist. Perhaps receptionists in general are not aware of this!

Lots of people show traces of blood with no apparent cause but its best to get it checked out.

Lin x

25-04-14, 19:16
Dr rang me back and said there was trace of red blood cells in urine but nothing to warranty investigation.
She said the test at the hospital is more thorough than the dipstick at dr surgery. She said nothing need come of it. I'm still not convinced and iv made an appointment for 4 weeks with my usual gp for her opinion

25-04-14, 19:44
Hi. I had this exact problem last year. Was sent to urologist, probably because of my age but it was all nothing and I had convinced myself that blood in urine was cancer but it wasn't. Apparently loads of people have it and don't know unless their wee is tested. I had also had backache for weeks which is what I firstly went to the doctors about. Doesn't sound like you have anything to worry about honestly. :)

25-04-14, 20:26
I'm worried because I haven't been reffered for any tests

25-04-14, 20:33
Ahhh the dispstick test - we have loads of posts about that showing blood then nothing was ever found when the tests were done at the hospital

So I really wouldn't worry

rachael t
25-04-14, 22:34
I had the same only found wen was sent for testing nxt one was ok so neva went bak but if you due on or just ad period that can be cause.

25-04-14, 23:43
Please do not worry about this, I had exactly the same - microscopic blood on 3 separate occasions. The GP said lots of people get it for no reason but sent me for testing to be sure of it. I had an ultrasound on my kidneys and bladder, an x-ray of my abdomen and opted to have a cystoscopy (camera in the bladder) and all were clear. The consultant said it could be due to microscopic bacteria in the kidneys.

Please, please, please do not worry xxx

27-04-14, 11:48
I'm not due on for another 2 weeks, my periods are every 6 weeks so it can't be that.
I'm in agony with my lower left back.
I wonder why the microscopic urine tests didn't pick up anything significant .

29-04-14, 17:49
Well the dr I saw last week has rang me today, firstly she said she will be urgently referring me despite the other dr that rang me on fri saying I was ok, she said she was hoping it had of been an infection and nothing can be ruled out at this stage and was referring me urgently to the urologist!!! I was ill worrying for an hour then she rang again and said she had spoke to the urologist who didn't seem concerned but would like to see me in outpatients not urgently, she also apologised for being so vague earlier.
So I'm now left stressing to bits about this that and the other :(

06-11-17, 15:20
Worried sick as have also had blood in urine, no infection...did anything ever come of the further investigations. Thanks.

11-04-20, 16:23
Did anyone every get to the bottom of this ? I've had the same thing happen over the last 4 weeks with constant going to loo and irrataion down there . My urine test came back from labs no infection.