View Full Version : achey breaky heart

25-04-14, 17:45
My heart anxiety is now back in full force!!!

I havemt worried about my heart for a while but I went spinning like 3 weeks ago and since then my heart anxiety is ruining my life :(

Im having palpitations, my heart keeps skipping beats and doimg extra thuds is horrific.

My chest feels achey too and its worrying me again

My finger has been attatched to my neck for most of the day checking my pulse..

Im irritable and tired

I only had 2 hours sleep last nigjt as im that worried!!!

How commen are palpitations though, and how many are serious???

Cant believe im actually posting about my heart...

I was so over this!!!!

Catherine S
25-04-14, 18:22
I suffer with them and they do come and go, you can go months without them only for them to come back and go on for days or weeks. Mine started in my 20s and I'm now 60 and still get runs of them sometimes. I take beta blockers for them and they do help. My doctor gets them quite badly too ironically so we often have a natter about it. Some of us are just more sensitive to feeling them...my other half gets them but can't feel them and they only show up when he has his BP taken, not fair! I've had lots of tests done over the years, all negative andlike you, I can get them during exercise too. I can also get them if my stomach is irritated or I have indigestion etc and there is definitely a connection there.

Anything that alters your breathing can trigger them too...including sex believe it or not, something people are too embarrassed to say. Anxiety alters breathing too so whatever triggers them, its prolonged because we are then scared and worried...can't win can we.


25-04-14, 18:59
They are very scary though arent they... makes me think that my heart is going to stop!!

I know they are very comman just dont like how they suddenly come on.
I had a ecg about 2 years ago and they said that my hwart was fine and thats when my palpitations were at the worst. I was terrifed to do anything incase it made my heart go all crazy on me !

Catherine S
25-04-14, 19:10
Yes they can actually see it happening on the readings but they know the difference between organic problems and benign ones. Its hard for us to understand but that's why they train for so many years I guess. Yes the palps are horrible aren't they, because we think of our heart as the most important part of our body and it feels bad when it doesn't seem to be beating right. The thing to try and remember is that absolutely everybody gets them and they show up on routine exams for people who can't feel them, we are just the unlucky ones who can x

25-04-14, 21:57
Thank you for that reply..

Its name me feel alot better..