View Full Version : I'm scared

25-04-14, 18:35
I will try to be as clear as possible with this as I feel there is so much going on and I am fearful.

So I have a problem with my bladder. Feel like I need to urinate all the time when I am on my feet. Feel a pressure in it. When I go I often feel I can't get it all out and when I stand up after wiping I dribble a tiny bit. Leaking a bit when I cough or bend over. bI've been tested multiple times for infection and never have any nor blood.

I am also having stomach issues. Really soft stools often and then constipation. Dull stomach ache on right side. Nausea after eating. Bloating on and off. Acid reflux. I've been tested for celiac and pancreas problems via blood tests all negative. All other bloods normals. Test for h pylori also negative. I have recently put a stool sample in to check for inflammation in my colon. So will see what that says. I don't see any blood in my stools when I check on toilet paper but I read it can be microscopic and not seen??

I'm going for a scan on my bladder on Wednesday. My gp said they will prob check my ovaries for me too at same time. She doesn't think all of this is related. She has said I have a mild bladder prolapse(had a horrific labour 1 year ago and a 3rd degree tear). She says the bowel issues are ibs.

But I'm terrified I have a tumour somewhere like my colon and it's pressing on my bladder. Or that I have ovarian cancer. I've recently started panicking about colon cancer.

I'm so scared to go for this ultrasound next week.

Catherine S
25-04-14, 18:57
Hi, you don't say how long you've had the bladder problem but sounds like it coulb be related to your pregnancy and hard labour...pardon the expression. Babies in the womb dance on your bladder and you need time to recover from the birth, your pelvic floor muscles need time to knit back together again. What you're experiencing with your bladder sounds normal to be honest, you didn't give birth that long ago. Was it your first? But its good that you're having the scan if only to ease your worries.


25-04-14, 19:00
Do I need to say it? I think you are overly anxious about this when your Dr has told you what he thinks. You have a few days to wait and then you will get some answers. I it helps I have similar issues with peeing......I think all women who have given birthnthen get to a certain age have the same problem.


25-04-14, 19:15
My baby is 1 year. I had so much physical damage down below I'm not sure how long the bladder issue has been going on for I.e since the labour. I spent the first 6 months trying to heal as I also had a bartholin abscess right on top of my episiotomy and tear. I had surgery for this at 4 weeks post Partum. For a few months recently I began to notice my underwear would feel a bit damp and that's when I realised I was leaking urine and consciously acknowledged that I was dribbling a bit after finishing urinating.

I am just worried because this is happening along with all the bowel symptoms too. :(

Catherine S
25-04-14, 19:23
You went through a bad time for sure, the leaking could still part of the damage that was done during the birth with no connectionto your bowel problem. I know you're scared about the scan, but its better to know what's going on then it can be dealt with.

25-04-14, 19:27
I've been having trouble in the wee department since I had my second child but it improved and then got bad again. I have to go straight away. I have been having right side pain and recently had an ultrasound scan and everything wa normal. I also have acid reflux.

25-04-14, 20:04
I had urination problems for ages after my first child, I didn't notice it until she was five months old but it went on for several months. I would feel a kind of pulling sensation after I had urinated. I had an episiotomy and I think it might have been scar tissue or possibly some damage from the catheter.

26-04-14, 09:57
Thanks ladies

Mummy anxious have you still been having the right sided pain? Mime comes and goes. Sometime it seems it's when I've eaten other times it feels random so who knows. Will see frm scan Wednesday as they are going to be checking my kidneys and my gp has said they will see the liver and gallbladder at same time.

Cattia I take it your issues have cleared up now? Yeah I do think the physical damage has caused a lot. When I do my pelvic floor exercises it feels like I'm hoisting up a flipping house! Everything is so low down feeling.

I'm just hoping and praying that these urine and bowel issues are because of the prolapses.

26-04-14, 10:16
Yes, my issues did clear up more or less when I got pregnant with my second child I think, possibly helped by the fact that I stopped focusing on them!
I once had really bad problems with pressure and urgency with urination too, that was several years ago before I had kids. Looking back I can see it was anxiety related but at the time I thought I was dying. I would need to go again within ten minutes of going and then nothing came out and I was constantly uncomfortable. In the end what I found most helpful was setting times when I could go ti the loo. I would start on a day I wasn't working and set it at maybe once every half hour. No matter how much I felt like I needed to go I wouldn't go until that time had passed. It stopped me focusing on it quite so much and it helped me to see that I could go longer between going which helped me to see that my symptoms were anxiety related.