View Full Version : scared i'll die this way

25-04-14, 19:22
Hey guys,
I'm sorry but I just need to vent. I am so frightened. I have been stuck in this 24/7 hell of anxiety for 4 months now, up until a few weeks ago I was unable to drive (I can now but it's not pretty), I am scared all home alone as I am off work with medical leave. I am in school and it's online and I can't focus or care about it much really. I've lost the close contact with all of my friends, my husband is at the end of his rope and I just don't know what to do with myself. I cry at least once a day, I never stop shaking, and my mouth is always dry and I have this general feeling of being sick. How can this be anxiety? It has to be something else. I had a blood workup 3 months ago and it was fine, but I keep thinking that we are all missing something and I am truly dying. Nothing makes me happy anymore, its so hard to even laugh. I used to to be loud, outgoing, and driven. My pdoc wants me to have my stress hormones checked and I am scared that I have an adrenal tumor, I am doing CBT, talk therapy, and been slowly uppping my dose on zoloft for the past 6 weeks. (I'm at 75 now, I also take xanax). I feel out of it and detached and I just don't see a way out of this hell.

25-04-14, 19:49
Is Zoloft an antidepressant? if it is how long have you been on it? could it not be working? Anti depressants would definately help in your circumstance, and if you are on them prehaps they are not working enough, Health Anxiety is so common with depression, but you need not to suffer, see your dr and ask for help, I remember how it is to be scared to be at home alone, and to find life such a strain, and thinking that life would never change or be enjoyable, but things can change and you need not feel like this anymore, I know that the AD have helped me so much and taken away this type of fear and panic, try not to google anything as this does not help, the chances are you have depression and not a tumour, you are doing the right thing in seeking guidance, blessings

25-04-14, 22:53
Many of us have been through the same hell. You will come out of it and you'll look back and wonder how you ever made it through. But you will, youre already doing so.

26-04-14, 18:29
I am at the same as you 3,months for me can berly sleep and if I do I have nightmares where i m scared I will die. I feel detached from everything like I will never be OK again. I cry a lot took just started acupuncture and some natural meds maybe they have made a difference idk. I dread therapy now cause it hasn't done anything for me I went on celexa that didn't work. I just started doing yoga. This is a living hell.

28-04-14, 12:52
Thank you everyone for your support. I just want to be out of this hell... it's monday morning and I am a wreck because my husband has to leave for work, I don't do well alone. I'm just so scared about this whole adrenal thing and I am slowing dying inside