View Full Version : Anxiety?

25-04-14, 20:46
Hello, I've been reading the articles on depression and anxiety and I've been noticing a lot of similarities with what I've been going through. I want to know if this is related to anxiety at all, it looked similar but I'm still not quite sure I guess. I'm going to the doctor's office this Thrusday but I guess I want other opinions.

These are my symptoms in order over the past 3 weeks, it didn't come all at once but in stages.

Week 1: Having to use the restroom a lot whenever I drink water, usually it starts every 15 mins but peters out the longer I go without drinking something. Also, a loss of appetite began to show itself along with a small pain in my lower stomach.

Week 2: Loss of sleep and rapid heartrate, I can only sleep about 4 hours a night if I'm lucky and my sleep is very fitful otherwise. I also began to obssess about my condition and wondering if there was something wrong with my kidneys or liver. Went to a urologist and a urgent care center, both told me my kidneys were functioning perfectly. Had relief for a little bit but that only lasted a day.

Week 3: Having trouble thinking or concentrating, I can process information but I have trouble focusing enough to get things accomplished or remembering things on command. I'm beginning to doubt my memory even when its shown to be fine and I'm worrying that I'm becoming stupid. Also been having craving towards sweets, anything else I eat doesn't have any taste, especially anything greasy or meaty. Also been having fairly constant loose stool when I eat anything that's not sweet, but my stomach doesn't really hurt. Went to another urgent care center, was told it was probably stress but they wanted to draw my blood again for some very slightly high ALT and ALbumin levels, like .1 percent higher or something. The doctor said it was nonspecfic and I didn't have any other liver condition triggers so I don't believe it has anything to do with that but still... I also woke up this morning with a fear of impending doom, like something bad was going to happen with me. It's been a common fear with me over the last week, that this could be something serious.

I've been having trouble finding a job after a seasonal IT internship ended back in March so I've been fairly stressed but it's never hit me this hard before. I know I've had one other instance where it turned out to be stress with somewhat similar symptoms but even then it was never this bad. I'm sorry if it sounds like I'm overreacting, I just want to know if this is what I think it is.

25-04-14, 21:47
Hello and welcome Cruxis let me asure you no one here will think your over reacting love ,it all sounds like anxiety to me ,there are so many awful symptoms ,I to have had many of the symptoms you are discribing are bodies are reacting to stress ,you need believe its anxiety try to relax when you can your body and mind needs time to recover hope you feel well soon xx

26-04-14, 02:17
I hope it is, I feel like I've been losing my mind. I get such headaches too, it makes it even harder to think.