View Full Version : Head pain when working out on the elliptical :/

25-04-14, 22:15
Hey guys,

Today I decided to get a gym membership to help rid some of this anxiety. Overall I had a great time.

Although I had two main worries. 1. I kept getting this headache in my forehead and top/sides of head when I went on the elliptical. I'm thinking it's something to do with the motion of bouncing up and down. I'm just worried because I'm scared about brain tumours and I know headaches can worsen with different types of activities. :(

Another worry, my heart rate reached 194 beats per minute. Is this something I should worry about? I looked at my friends and hers was at like 170 :(
Blah, just wished I could stop worrying

26-04-14, 11:48

26-04-14, 17:10
Hey, I often get a headache during workouts. Can't comment on your heart rate but I would imagine everyone is different. I've never checked mine at the gym incase it sets I off panic! :D

26-04-14, 19:04
Thanks so much for replying, Kirbear!
I'm glad I'm not the only one getting this. It only happened on the elliptical and the treadmill. I did the elliptical for 15 minutes and the entire time I had this weird headache. Seemed like it was very deep inside.

I try so hard not to look at my heart rate either but the damn curiosity kills me and I give in! LOL.

27-04-14, 02:21
I have very good news! I went back to the gym today and didn't experience the headache while going on the elliptical. I wonder if it was all in my head as this time I brought music with me to listen to?

Anyways, I'm so happy about that but my only problem is my heartbeat is really noticeable in my head when I work out for long periods. Like I feel the beat in my head and neck, really worries me. Is that normal? I also get it if I go up lots and lots of stairs

Catherine S
27-04-14, 02:43
You may have got more replies if we knew what an elliptical was exactly. Sounds quite torturous so no wonder it gives you a headache :scared15:

27-04-14, 02:46
Factually stating Miss, this can occur with any individual, be they female or opposite gender.

It simply is the fact of how one is factually designed. During exercise, such increases are not factually uncommon. Also if the fact of newly starting such gym activities is present, such can factually occur.

It is simply that your rate increases with such activities. As is factually natural. All DPGs and ladies and members of all genders have differences in such facts when exercising and such Miss.

27-04-14, 08:47

When you are working out like that your heart is pumping blood faster and it will feel more pronounced in your chest. That extra pumping is going to result in it being more pronounced in your head as well and your ears will pick up on it. So, don't worry about it.

The head pain is likely due to the exertion especially if you are tensing those muscles when you are really going for it.

Maximum heart rates differ between people, similar ages don't always mean it will be the same. There are ways to calculate it such as 220-age, but that's a very basic calculation, there are more accurate ones such as 205.8-(0.685xage).

You won't exceed your maximum, although is possible to under calculate it so you exceed it.

There are training ranges for heart rates to optimise your workout, the trainers in the gym should be able to show you this. If not, you will be able to find it online.

And maybe your friend...wasn't working out as hard as you?

---------- Post added at 08:47 ---------- Previous post was at 08:34 ----------

Here's the chart Jenn.


27-04-14, 09:35
Hi Jenn.
I also have the same sort of worries as you. I go to the gym and do mainly weights and circuits, and sometimes I get a bit of a headache during or after. I've kept going in a bid to not let health anxiety ruin this for me. I mainly worry about my head, but accidently spotted my heart rate on a treadmill at a different gym, it was about 164 or something, my boyfriend's was only about 120. I was like 'woaah hold on, how come mine is so high and yours isn't!?', his reply was 'Because I'm fitter than you...'. So there you go. You're not alone at all! Keep at it :)