View Full Version : Confused and frightened

25-04-14, 23:52
Hi I am new and am hoping someone can help me understand the way I'm feeling. Not sure if it's anxiety or depression

26-04-14, 00:11
Have you looked at the symptoms for anxiety, here on this site? That might help, what are your symptoms?

26-04-14, 00:24
:welcome: a diagnosis from a doctor or psychologist may help you find some clarity.

26-04-14, 01:02
Hi I had an upsetting event a few weeks ago, I think at the time I thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown. I was prescribed diazepam to calm me down, I took 2 mg once a day for first couple of days, ( dose was 3 times a day if required ). Since then I have tried not to take them but been getting symptoms of anxiety ( lightheadedness, feeling of butterflies, weak legs and a feeling of not being able to catch my breath ). I have been off work and walked loads but am now suffering from these feelings almost out of nowhere. This comes on without me even feeling anxious or worried. I had one day where I felt great and back in control but then the last couple of days I have been getting this nervous anxious feeling ( mostly out of the blue ), it now seems to be spiralling into me having really negative thoughts and getting really tearful. I feel so out of control. I know anxiety affects people differently

---------- Post added at 00:32 ---------- Previous post was at 00:27 ----------

Hi Lunaliuna, thank you I was signed off work and doc said it was stress due to the what had happened at the time.

---------- Post added at 01:02 ---------- Previous post was at 00:32 ----------

Does anyone else get anxious and symptoms of anxiety even when there is no thought of anything bad at the time and can these physical symptoms lead to a downward spiral of negativity or is it normally feeling of negativity that causes the anxiety?

26-04-14, 01:14
Yes, I will be working and my hands will be trembling, and because I am super sensitive to everything my body's doing (health anxiety) I can't focus on anything else, I have been checking to see if my hands are trembling all day today, and I have been crying off and for the past couple of hours

26-04-14, 01:32
Its so scary to think that it can take control like that :-(, I was widowed 6 years ago and my husband died suddenly, I had similar anxiety attacks then but didnt know what it was and put it down to grief. The anxiety lessened after about a year and I thought I was strong but I am now wondering if I have post traumatic stress or something. I don't feel like docs really listen and im so scared where this is going to end up. I suppose it's just taking control and distracting yourself, but like you once i start getting physical symptoms i lose all rational thought, but over the past few weeks I feel all over the place. One day I think I'm ok and the next I'm worse than ever :-(

26-04-14, 02:19
I have been dealing with anxiety my whole life I was on an antidepressant for about 10 years, and had the thought one day that I didn't need it. Life was good. Huge mistake, I was off for almost exactly one year, then hurt my back and started having all of these symptoms, well it has spiraled downhill from there, anxiety almost everyday and some days, good old panic attacks. I can have a good day and then wham, I have a really bad one. Today is one of those days.

26-04-14, 02:45
Do you have any coping strategies.? I have found that if I'm out walking Im fine, starting yoga next week and trying to stick to a healthy diet. I'm back to work tomorrow after 3 weeks off and am trying to remain optimistic, After the day I have had today I feel I've underestimated what stress and anxiety can do. ( I am being assessed for underlying depression ). Stress, anxiety and depression all have similar symptoms, it's all so confusing. Hope you have a better day tomorrow. Its helpful to know that I'm not alone. I'm actually really surprised how many people struggle with anxiety and stress and didn't realise how they could both have so many symptoms.

26-04-14, 02:58
I actually gave up coffee, that I heard can make you anxious. I try to distract myself, try to breathe deep in for a count of four, hold it for three, then out for four. That's all I got right now, but it's something to do I guess, anything helps, I also tell myself it's just fear, it will pass, but I do find I watch the clock hoping it passes quickly. I like your ideas,Yoga sounds nice, I might look into that. Also, I have read that depression and anxiety are closely linked one can cause the other I think.

26-04-14, 03:06
Thanks :-), any advise is much appreciated.

26-04-14, 11:29
Try reading some of the sections to the left of this page it will give you understanding about how you are feeling and techniques to help.

Anxiety/depression/stress are all on the same spectrum.... don't try to separate them it doesn't really work like that.


27-04-14, 00:17
Thanks SarahH, understanding more is already helping, apart from a period of anxiety 6 years ago when my partner passed away suddenly, this was all new and i was so scared of how I have been for the past few weeks, i honestly thought i was going to end up going crazy. Again there was an emotional trigger this time around and after reading a lot from this site it's such a relief to know that what I'm feeling is anxiety and that I'm not going alone. My heart goes out to other sufferers, you just don't realise how common it is and the battles that people have.

27-04-14, 03:32
Welcome, Brooklin. You are not alone and you will find many helpful things here. Knowledge is power (just don't go too far down the rabbit hole or you may worry about allsorts lol!)

27-04-14, 11:15
Thanks DerekG, I'm actually studying Higher psychology just now just haven't got to all this kind of stuff yet lol. And yes I agree sometimes too much knowledge isn't a good thing. If nothing else I suppose I'll be one step ahead now :-).

28-04-14, 00:44
Look up CBT it's very good if you get to grips with it

28-04-14, 05:08
When you get your qualification, I expect to be treated for free :winks: :D

28-04-14, 10:24
Thanks I am working on CBT Mark and Derek you can be my first patient lol.