View Full Version : My Problems

26-04-14, 05:15
Hello everyone, I felt it was time for me to get everything off my chest. I am a 20 year old male from the US. Back in 2011 I had a very traumatic experience with K2 (synthetic marijuana). It almost felt like I had a sprinkler in my heart (if you could imagine lol). I think I had a bad case of depersonalization for about 3 moths after that but things got better and I eventually felt normal again. I was an avid marijuana smoker before that experience and couldn't smoke it afterwards without being fearful. I worked myself up to being able to smoke again and enjoyed it but have since stopped since having a bad experience with it. I just recently, I think about 2 months ago, had a terrible panic attack when sick. I was at a friends house and I think the mixture of being terribly tired and sick just made me feel weird and I thought I would always feel like I did. I was in pure panic mode an my friends didn't know what to do to help me. Since then these past months have not been enjoyable. I was scared of having another attack and just lived in constant fear and anxiety. I tried researching and reading as much as possible about panic and anxiety and that helped a lot. However, since my experience with k2 I have a negative mindset about everything. I feel like a prisoner in my own body. I just recently lost my brother, suddenly. I went to the doctor before coming out to California (where his services are) to see about this. I do NOT want to be on pills but was prescribed 20mgs Celexa and 0.5 Clonazepam for my panic and anxiety. I don't want to take the Celexa because I have read the side effects for it and don't want to experience those. I am also weary of taking the Klonopin because I feel like the effects of that will somehow make me panic. I have had suicidal thoughts but NEVER contemplated it. It's just like my mind is against me. I have started having this problem with my chest as well. I had it before my recent bout with this anxiety and panic but my focusing on it and thinking its a serious condition is making me even more scared. I am 3000 miles away from
Home which makes me even more uncomfortable. I don't know if I'm depressed or not but I sometimes think "what's the point" or it's just hopeless. The only time I can seem to be peaceful is when I am sleeping or at a party and my mind is on other things. I know this was long but thank you for reading and I am hopeful for any support or similar experiences so I don't feel alone. Thanks again

26-04-14, 08:59
I smoked weed for ages. It's very common for it at some point to make you anxious and uncomfortable. You'd probably be the odd one out if you didn't.

I don't smoke it now because at one point I would get anxious too.

It's a very introspective, self aware drug. If you're anxious, insecure about something it can magnify it, make you think about it and see it a bit TOO clearly, resulting in freezing you out. You get a bit TOO aware about a worry or insecurity.

It's hard to unsee/unfeel what you saw/felt. But just put it down to having your mind and awareness broadened. You know those places now. But you know all the other places your mind can be too. So don't make that experience anything special. Don't dwell on it. Don't worry about it.
It's normal. It's common. Let it go.

You say you can feel free from it when you're doing something else like partying. This should show you that when you're focused away from it and not worrying about it you're functioning normally. So just don't give it any significant meaning and forget it.

You're just one of those many MANY people who now when asked if they want to smoke weed says "nah, that stuff gives me anxiety".

I think the cannabinoids can stay in your system for quite a while so do it anymore and let your brain level out again.

Good nutrition
Good exercise
Good friends
Good parties

26-04-14, 22:52
I never felt anxious or fearful from marijuana until my experience with K2. It must have triggered something or caused a chemical imbalance. However, after acouple months of not feeling like myself, I started to feel like myself again. Up until my panic attack at my friends house and it has went downhill since then.

27-04-14, 03:50
Welcome, Daprodigy. I was a regular dope smoker for 7 years (daily). First thing's first. I fully accept that K2 may have triggered your anxiety. Secondly, and more importantly, you MUST give up the weed too. I know what it's like when everyone you know does it but it sure as hell isn't gonna help, even if it wasn't the cause. I hope you find good support here and don't be hard on yourself for having anxiety. Happens to the best of us

27-04-14, 06:41
I haven't smoked in close to 4 months now and I don't plan on starting anytime soon again. I was percribed Celexa and Klonopin but like I said, I am weary of taking both of them. Appreciate the support and responses.

27-04-14, 07:00
Sorry, I didn't mean to assume you were still on the weed. I too am wary of meds after trying many. They do work for alot of people though so I don't want to put you off. I'm glad you're off the dope and I wish you the best, man.

27-04-14, 16:54
No need to be sorry, you're just trying to help. Have you had any experience with Celexa or Klonopin?

27-04-14, 22:26
Thankyou. I had to google those meds as I guess you were referring to US "brands". I have been on Celaxa (or citalopram as we know it here). I have no experience with Klonopin/Clonazepam but I do have experience of other benzodiazepines such as diazepam (valium). Be careful with the benzos dude. Not something to take daily, I'd say

28-04-14, 07:50
Lol, yea Citalopram. How was your experience with it? and I agree, benzodiazepines are def. something you want to take heed to. I haven't took any yet, the doc prescribed them to me in the situation I have an attack but I am weary of the effects they will have on me.

28-04-14, 08:29
It felt like I was on cheap ecstasy every day (and no, that isn't as fun as it sounds lol). I hate SSRIs. They all give me the same horrible feeling and side effects. Oh, take benzos if and when you require them. They can be very helpful. I just wanted to do the old man thing of giving a warning of being cautious :D

28-04-14, 19:45
Lol well I appreciate the advice! I don't think the SSRIs are for me even though I haven't taken any but from everything I've read they just don't sound very pleasurable. Have you had any experience with CBT or any other type of therapy?

01-06-14, 05:12
Sorry for the delay in my reply. Yes, I have tried CBT and various other therapies. What works for one person may not for another. Personally, I think me and many others on here are the way they are due to their circumstances and what's going on in their life. I think a medication sparked my situation but now my life (or lack of it) is keeping me this way.

01-06-14, 11:00
i really hope you get your problems sorted there are so many about in 2014 the list of psychological disorders doubled in size see for yourself just google it

01-06-14, 11:32
Hi there I was prescribed Citalopram several years ago for anxiety and depression. It took a while to get the dosage right as I was started on a low dose and it didn't really help but once I settled on the right dosage, they did work for me and my anxiety lifted and I started to feel a lot better. I do agree with Derek though that Benzodiazepenes can be difficult as I have now been on them for several years and you can become addicted. Perhaps you should consider them in the short term and use them now to get you functioning again and feeling better but do not look on them as being a long term solution.