View Full Version : Sleepless in Symptomville

26-04-14, 08:28
Have you heard of those types of cancer where pain wakes a person up at night?

When my anxiety is bad, I end up lying awake at night wondering if my pain and other symptoms fall into that category, or whether my anxiety and exhaustion are making them worse.

Health anxiety breeds its own special kind of mental and emotional exhaustion, nevermind the physical exhaustion.

I've feared so many different types of cancer lately. For instance, tonight I wonder about the pain at the base of my throat which seems to reach down into my chest cavity.

Meanwhile, my heart also jumps each time my 21-month-old son, who's currently sick, unleashes his intense, wheezing cough in his sleep. (He sleeps in our room, so it's hard for a light sleeper like me not to jump when that happens.) I know he'll recover in a day or two, but my mind still can't help wondering about the worst-case scenario.

For just about every symptom I or a loved one have had over the past several months, I've lain awake fighting anxiety, and succombing to an imagination that flashes the most horrific scenes at me, especially at night when other family members are asleep and unavailable to talk to for support and encouragement.

Is anyone else here sleepless in Symptomville? How do you calm your fears long enough to fall back asleep and get the rest your body badly needs?

26-04-14, 10:04
Hello :)

I personally take a 5mg capsule of melatonin before bed if I can't fall asleep on my own and it works like a charm! It'll keep me asleep for a solid eight hours too! Also - don't hesitate to check out "Hope and Help for Your Nerves" by Dr. Claire Weekes. This book has been a HUGE help to me as of late; it's a huge comfort for my anxiety and panic, so hopefully it could be of some help to calm you too! x

30-04-14, 01:16
Thanks for your reply, perpetual-mirth. Yes, I'd love to take melatonin if I could! But I'm still breastfeeding my son, and everyone I talk to says to avoid melatonin for now.

It's also a disappointment, not just because melatonin helps with sleep, but because it also fights melanoma--one of my fears!

So yeah, this has to be the beginning of the end of breastfeeding for us. At over a year and a half, he's certainly old enough by now. :)