View Full Version : is it going to happen to me

26-04-14, 08:33
hi sorry for the long post, in lucky to be going to America in June but the fear off something happening to me on the flight is taking over my excitment. IM paranoid something is going to happen to me, my step mother went on holiday last year and when she landed she passed out and found out she had a bleed on the brain shes ok now, in so worried this is going to be me ive been having headaches and feeling lightheaded recently and i know its probably because in thinking about it too much. Really want to tell my gp my concerns but feel silly :-(

26-04-14, 08:58
Chances of it happening to you are extremely slim, but if you are still concerned then maybe a visit to your GP would ease your mind.
Easier said than done - but try not to worry, I think you'll be absolutely fine.
My throat problems cause me to go lightheaded but I know it's because I'm thinking about it constantly.
Keep strong xxxx

26-04-14, 09:27
thank you for your response means alot think i will just to try and keep my mind at rest thanks again

26-04-14, 11:52
I have brain tumours fear and have been having on and off head pains for 10+ years. My family and I travel a lot but I'm always stuck with the fear of the exact same thing!
I work myself up and almost have a panic attack until I'm actually on and in the air and realize that nothing is going to happen. It's called irrational thinking, but I agree with Krystal as there is a very slim chance. Go and enjoy yourself xx

26-04-14, 21:05
thank you very much just feel silly asking the doc as dont really have any symptoms of it but because its happened close to home i fear it like everything else. Thanks xx

26-04-14, 22:02
Hey Hun, had the exact same thing... Surprise surprise I'm here with no issues :)
Flew back from America this morning... Make sure you drink lots and I used rescue remedy and was really good :) good luck you will be fine x

Catherine S
26-04-14, 22:11
Don't be scared to tell your doctor, they've heard it all before and perhaps he/she could give you a ver low dose of a mild tranquiliser just for the journey...it may help?

27-04-14, 18:54
fedup 36 glad u had a good journey will defo stock up in the rescue remedy! Thank u for ur support. Thank u i still believe in going to book an appointment this week and see what i can take on the plane that wont completely knock nw out as i have two kids with me lol dont think hubby can look after the kids plus me. Thanks guys x

27-04-14, 20:03
Like others have said if you are worried see your GP. I agree with others try to drink plenty of drink (preferable water) over caffeine and booze, or at least a pint of water during the flight, even though this might make you want to go to the toilet a few times.

27-04-14, 21:34
thank u Phil will go this week just to keep my mind at rest